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目 录 2015年桂林理工大学外国语学院865翻译与写作考研真题及详解 2016年桂林理工大学外国语学院865翻译与写作考研真题及详解 2017年桂林理工大学外国语学院865翻译与写作考研真题及详解 2018年桂林理工大学外国语学院865翻译与写作考研真题及详解 2015年桂林理工大学外国语学院 865翻译与写作考研真题及详解 Ⅰ. Sentence Translation (30 points) 1. Translate the following sentences into English (15 points) (1) “难道这也是个痴丫头,又像颦儿来葬花不成”?因又自笑道:“若真 也葬花,可谓东施效颦了;不但不为新奇,而且更是可厌。” 【参考译文】 “Can this be another maid come here to bury flowers like Daiyu?” He wondered in some amusement. “If so, she’s Tung Shih imitating Hsi Shih, which isn ’t original but rather tiresome.” (Hsi Shih was a famous beauty in the ancient Kingdom of Yueh, Tung Shih was an ugly girl who tried to imitate her way.) (2) 谁能否认海的伟大呢?我爱海,并不仅仅因为她的颜色美丽,和藏 在海底那许多有趣的玩意儿,而是爱她的胸襟广阔,化污秽为清洁。 【参考译文】 There is no denying the mightiness of the sea. I love her not only because she has the becautiful hues and many intriguing obj ects hidden deep underneath her, but also because she is broad and liberal enough to turn the foul into pure. (3) 但我不能放歌,悄悄是别离的笙箫;夏虫也为我沉默,沉默是今晚 的康桥。 【参考译文】 But I can ’t sing aloud, quietness is my farewell music; Even summer insects heap silence for me, silent is Cambridge tonight. 2. Translate the following sentences into Chinese (15 points) (1) It would prove that all is not lost, that the sun is going to rise, and that men can still have hope. 【参考译文】 可以证明,并非一切都完了,太阳依然会升起来,人们仍然有希望。 (2) When I try to understand what it is that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect, it seems to me that there are two causes, of which one goes much deeper than the other. 【参考译文】 当我试图去理解是什么阻挡了许多美国人得到他们应有的快乐时,我发 现个中原因实在不少。 (3) I’ve let the cat out of the bag already, Mr. Corthell, and I might as well tell the whole thing now. 【参考译文】 我已经泄露了秘密,科塞先生,我干脆现在把全部情况都告诉你吧。 Ⅱ. Passage Translation (70 points) 1. Translate the following passage into English (35 points) 我每次过上海,多半是匆匆三五天,只有很少几次是超过一星期的。像 一个虽常见面但无深交的熟人,不很了解,但其音容笑貌却是难


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