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知识就是力量 知识就是力量 青肯肯 肯色書 色青書■^希 知识就是力量 知识就是力量 青肯肯 肯色書 色青書■^希 公司财务管理系统的设计与实现 公司财务管理系统的设计与实现 摘 要 随着软硬件技术的急速发展,计算机在社会生活中的方方面面都发挥着重要的 作用。企业管理模式也随之科技化,智能化,人性化。对人们的个人生活质量和生 活方式也有着深远的影响,应用先进的网络和数据库技术,可以大大节省人力,物 力,并且让我们生活的更舒服。 在现行的管理体制中, 财务管理是尤为重要而且不可缺少的一个部分, 良好的 财务管理方式关系到一个公司的发展情况。所以,无论从理论上还是实际中,开发 这样一个可以方便快捷,容易上手的管理系统都有重要的意义。本文介绍了 本文提出了了公司财务管理系统,该系统基于 Eclipse的财务管理系统的设计 思想,用经济学的观点作为需求指导, 将经济学知识和软件开发技术进行了有机的 结合。本系统可以帮助中小规模公司完成日常的财务管理的工作,它使用方便,在 数据整合和账目管理方面表现尤为出色,减轻了财务系统人员的工作负担, 也可 以在一定程度上帮助公司节省人手,减少开支。 关键词:财务管理;数据库;经济学;软件开发 The Desig n and Impleme ntati on of Finan cial Man ageme nt System Abstract With the rapid developme nt of the software and hardware tech no logy, computer in social life in every aspect of played an importa nt role. En terprise man ageme nt mode and then more tech no logy, in tellige nt, huma n n ature is cha nged. The pers on al life of people quality and life style also has a profound impact, application of advaneed network and database tech no logy, can greatly reduce the huma n, material, and let our life more comfortable. In the existing management system, financial management is an important and is an in dispe nsable part of, good finan cial man ageme nt way related to the developme nt of a compa ny. So, no matter from theory and practice, the developme nt of such a convenient and quick, easy management system has important significanee. Through consulting about financial management of detailed data, grasp the whole process of financial man ageme nt. The system will use econo mic view for dema nd guida nee will econo mics and the comb in ati on of the software system developme nt. This system can help small and medium-sized company finish daily financial man ageme nt work, it is convenient to use, in data in tegrati on and acco unt man ageme nt is particularly good performanee and reduce the workload of the staff of the financial system, also can to a certa in exte nt help save the man power, to reduce expe nses. This paper expounds the Eclipse of


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