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第 PAGE 页 共 NUMPAGES 页 故宫导游词中英文3篇 故宫导游词中英文3篇 故宫导游词中英文范文1: 欢迎你来到北京故宫!这里又称紫禁城,是明朝两代的皇宫,为我国现在最大最富贵的古建筑群,面积达15500平方米,房屋9000多间。故宫四周围有10米高的城墙,墙外四角各有一座华丽奇特的角楼。 Wele ou to Beijing s Forbidden Cit! Also alled the Forbidden Cit, here are to generations of the Ming dnast in the imperial palae, for our ountr is no the largest and most prosperous of anient arhitetural plexes, an area of 15500 square meters, more than 9000 houses. Around the Forbidden Cit has 10 meters high alls, orners of the all have a magnifient strange athtoer. 从午门进入紫禁城,然后沿着中轴线依次参观内金水桥,太和门,太和殿,中和殿,乾明宫,交泰殿,坤宁宫,御花园。参观完御花园,可以通过御花园左侧的门进入东六宫依次参观储秀宫,翎坤宫,永寿宫,咸福宫,长寿宫,太极殿,然后出内右门回到乾明广场,东行进入内左门,可依次参观延禧宫,永和宫,景阳宫,乘乾宫。参观完东六宫可沿东长庆门,然后再进入皇极门,可以参观皇极殿,宁寿宫,扮戏楼,畅音阁,养性殿,乾隆花园,贞妃井,最后出贞顺门西行出神武门就可以离开故宫了。 From the meridian gate to enter the Forbidden Cit, and then along the entral axis, in turn, to visit the jinshui bridge, the gate, taihe palae, zhonghe palae, Ming palae, tai temple, palae of earthl tranquilit, the imperial garden. Visiting the imperial garden, an pass to the left of the garden door into the east sixth in turn to visit the palae of gathering exellene, i kun palae, YongShou palae, salt fu palae, longevit palae, tai hi temple, and then the right door to dr bright square, east into the inside the left door, an, in turn, to visit the jubilee palae, onghe palae, palae, sunell group b the palae. Visiting the east sixth hangqing gate along the east, and then enter the emperor extremel door, an visit Huangji Palae, tranquilit and palae, ators floor, hang pavilion, temple raises a gender, the qianlong garden, zhen priness ell, finall a zhen shun the est door the reature an leave the palae door. 今天我能给你们当导游我感到非常荣幸,我跟着大家一起游览了美丽的北京故宫,高兴的度过了一天。希望你们再来北京故宫的时候再请我当导游,我会更好地讲解美丽的故宫的。 Toda I an give ou hen I feel ver honored to guide, I folloed all of ou to visit the beautiful Beijing the imperial palae, spent a happ da. I hope ou e bak to Beijing the imperial palae please hen I hen the tour guide, I an better explain the beautiful palae.


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