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学 海 无 涯 剥豆机的总体设计 摘 要 本设计是关于剥豆机的设计,主要对剥豆机的运动方案设计、传动系统方案 的设计、传动系统技术设计以及剥豆机其它零部件的设计和计算。 设计前部分详细阐述了剥豆机传动部分、执行机构的结构设计和受力分析。 总体设计后部分所涉及的剥豆机采用了带传动来实现减速,利用平带运送豆 子。动力源则选择Y 系列Y90S—6 型电机,适用于有轻微震动,正反转且转速不 高的速,工作机的传动部分都是利用齿轮的啮合来完成的。齿轮材料为灰铸铁, 并经调质及表面淬火。校核齿轮、轴、键、轴承确保了设计的实际可行性。 关键词: 剥豆机、方案设计、技术设计、传动系统、机构设计 1 学 海 无 涯 ABSTRACT This design is about the design of the enginery which can divest the horsebean’s hull.Our main task is to design the movement scenario 、transmission system 、 transmission system ’s and other parts of the enginery which can divest the horsebena’s hull.The last ,we must calculate the erery last member’s size. During the front process of the design, we expatiate particularly the frame design and endure force analyse. The last part of the paper is about the enginery which can divest the horsebean’s hull that adopts the cincthre to finish the course of gear down and use calm cincture to carry bean.Y type Y90S-6 motor is selected as the power source,which adapts situation such as slience quenching and light reverse velocity. The transmission part of the enginery which can divest the horsebean’s hull all makes use of the joggle of the gears to finish it. The material of gear is cast iron which has been hardening surface.The gears, axes, keys, bearings are checked, so to confirm this design is practical Key words: Program design 、Technical design、Transmission system 、Wheel design. 2 学 海 无 涯 目 录 摘要 I ABSTRACT II 第1 章 前 言 1 1.1 概述1 1.2 剥豆机的工作原理和举例2 1.2.1 剥豆机原


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