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英文简历写作范文:研究生专用 Director of Consulting Center Shanghai Foreign Service Co., Ltd 406 Maoming Mansion, 580 Maoming Rd(S) Luwan District, Beijing 100000 Dear Mr. Director, I am currently working on Master Degree in International Commercial law at Fu Dan University. My supervisor Mr. Liu Mingyu, a well-know professor of law, 其实,这位外企人士所谈的关于准备英文简历的技巧,也完全可以应用到中文简历上来。各位读者可以尝试一下。 tells me that SFSC specializes in recommending qualified personnel to muti-national companies and suggests that I contact you for recommendation. During the two years of studies at Fu Dan University, I have not only acquired a lot of knowledge of international commercial law, but learned two collected insurance statistical data;implemented cost avoidance programs and conducted training of temporary employees in billing procedures,goverment benefits programs,health card benefits issues,and insurance industry regulations. 其实写和不写各有利弊。如果写上,当然显得目标明确,非这个行业、这个部门不可,但同时也就限制了您在别的行业发展的可能性。比如,毕业生在申请像 “诚迅”一类的公司时明确写上了所选部门,那么万一这个部门没有录用您,而您又好像非这个部门不可,您就很可能失去了在“诚迅”其他部门工作的机会。但如果您什么都不写,雇主参照您的背景和一些测试的结果也许认为您更适合别的部门,这样您就可能获得新的机会。通常美式简历的规范写法都是不写 Objective的。 foreign languages as well -English and Japanese. Moreover, I have published two papers in the university journal on problems that may arise after Chinas entry to WTO. And they have been favorably accepted. I am enclosing a resume, copies of my published papers, and Professor Lius letter of recommendation. Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is ***, I come from ******,the capital of *******Province. I graduated from the ****** department of *****University in July ,In the past two years I have been prepareing for the postgraduate examination while I have been teaching *****in NO.****middle School and I was a head-teacher of a class in junior grade two.Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you. I sincerely hop


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