优化方案·高中同步测试卷·北师英语选修:nit  Conflict C卷 含答案.docVIP

优化方案·高中同步测试卷·北师英语选修:nit  Conflict C卷 含答案.doc

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Unit 23 Conflict C卷 创新冲关检测卷 (建议用时:65分钟) Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Technology has advanced a lot today and given us different kinds of machines.There are different machines available to perform different tasks,all to make things easier and faster.There is a lot of human effort that can be saved with the help of these machines in addition to adding efficiency to different tasks.The same is true with the process of money counting as well. There is a lot of human effort that can be saved in the process of money counting by the money counting machine.Counting a huge amount of money is a very monotonous and boring task that makes it very difficult for financial institutions to do their jobs,especially when they need to count a large amount of money as a daily routine.Productivity can be greatly increased with the use of technology in the task of money counting. Today,years after file industrial revolution,the money counting machine that could only count the same notes(纸币) has developed a lot and there are different kinds of machines that are available now.While there are coin counters that are able to count coins of different denominations(面值),there are also money counting machines that can help to count notes of different denominations as well.There are even different features that are available on these machines and choosing one of these is all a matter of current needs.There are even machines available that can examine fake notes (假币) and warn us of them in case of any cheating activity.In addition,there are machines differing in their way of operation.It is advisable for one to determine all his needs well to find the right kind of money counting machine. For anyone looking for these machines,they are easily available online.Many online stores today offer a money back guarantee as well so you can shop without risk. 1.What can we learn from the first paragraph? A.Technology is developing at the greatest speed. B.Machine saves time and improves working efficiency. C.Nowadays people’ s



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