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同义词(组)间同义句转换训练 Letter A 1.A litter / a bit / a bit of 一点儿,少许 ①她可以和你一起去,因为她懂一点儿法语。 She can go with you because she knows _____French. ②虽然我比他年龄小,但我比他高一点。 I ’m younger than him but I ’m _____ taller than him . 2 .A lot of / lots of / many / much 许多的,大量的 ①许多艺术家将在晚会上露面。 _____ artists will show their faces at the party. ②那个女人有许多钱,但她并不幸福。 The woman has_____ money ,but she isn ’t happy. 3 .Actually / in fact 事实上,实际上 我原以为工作会很难,事实上却很容易 I thought the work would be difficult. _____, it is very easy. 4 . again and again / over and over again 一次又一次地 我再一次告诉你别那么做 I ’ve told you not to do that_____. 5 .all / whole 所有的,整个的 全城的人都在忙着打扫街道。 a. _____ the city are busy cleaning the streets. 精品文库 b. The_____ city are busy cleaning the streets. 6 .also / too / as well 也 不要嘲笑他,他也是我们其中的一员 a. Don ’t laugh at him, he ’s _____ a member of us. b. Don ’t laugh at him, he ’s a member of us _______. 7. another / one more / another+ 数字 +n(pl.) / 数字 + more + n (pl.) 再一个,另一个 ①我还没吃饱呢,我想要一块蛋糕。 I ’m not full yet. I want _____ cake. ②会议还没有结束,我恐怕你还得再等三十分钟。 The meeting hasn ’t finished yet, I ’m afraid you have to wait for _______ minutes. 8. a quarter / one fourth 四分之一 我们学校四分之一的学生收到过这样的信。 _____of the students in our school have received letters like this. 9. arrive in (at) / get to / reach 到达 ①当他们到达车站时,火车已离开十分钟了 When they _____ the station , the train had been away for ten minutes. ②当她到达日本的时候,她突然觉得很孤单。 When she ________ Japan, she suddenly felt lonely. 10. as …as / (not) as …as / not so …(不as)和 … ..一样 ①Jane 和 Jim 一样高。 Jane is _____ Jim. 欢迎下载 精品文库 ②他没有我胖。 He is _______ me. 11. as … as possible / as …as one can尽可能 … .. 尽


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