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更多分享 关注小远老师微信公众号 【常远-托福独立写作】- 历年考试范文 2013-9-27 clean energy清洁能源 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Using clean energy to protect the environment, but the traditional energy sources such as coal and oil is less expensive. Introduction For many years now, there has been a widespread belief that renewable energy such as solar, wind, and water power were great ideas in theory, but that the costs were just too high to use them globally. This may have been true fifteen years ago, but the world has advanced a great deal since then. Anytime someone goes on television in this modern world and says that oil and coal are less expensive than green energy, they are either misinformed, or working for big oil and coal companies. The truth is that green energy is more practical and inexpensive than ever, there are billions of dollars to be made green energy investment, and converting globally to greener energy is vital for the future of the planet. Body Paragraph 1 First, technological advancements have made computers that are small enough to fit into a purse. Science has made it possible to land a space craft on a moving comet in outer space. Scientific innovation has also made green energy more practical and inexpensive than ever before (Source 3). Representatives for major oil, coal, and fuel companies often try to convince the public that green energy is just too expensive, and they often influence politicians into saying the same thing. Many major countries are already using green technology to power their cities and industry, including Germany and Scotland. Engineers and other innovators have created roadways that are powered by the sun, and would create more energy than all of the coal and oil in the world could ever provide, for almost no money other than the initial investment. Green energy is a lot cheaper and practical than people foolishly believe. Body Paragraph 2 Second, while it might be said that implem



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