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B S I BS*1b47: P A R T * 1 8 4 = 1 b 2 4 b b î 0183855 8 m L-.. . f
BS 1647:Part 1 : 1984
UDC 541.132.3 :543.257
0 British Standards Institution. No part of this publicationmay be photocopiedor otherwise reproducedwithout the prior rermission inwritina of BCI
British Standard
pH measurement
Part 1. Specification for pH scale
Mesures de pH
Partie 1. Echelle de pH -Spécifications
Teil 1. pH-Skala
British Standards Institution~ - .-- .
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and StandardsCOPYRIGHT British Standards Institution on ERC Specs and Standards - .
Licensed by Information Handling ServicesLicensed by Information Handling Services - , I
B S I B S * L b 4 7 :
BS 1647 : Part 1 : 1984
Foreword O
This British Standard was first published in 1950and was two decimal places, but the significance of such additional
prepared by a technical committee directly under the aegis figures may sometimes be uncertain. The principal change
of the Chemical Divisional Council following recommenda-
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