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某搬运工件机械手控制系统设计 作者姓名:xxx 专业名称:机械工程及自动化 指导老师:xxxx 副教授 摘 要 搬运机械手是企业自动化生产线中关键设备之一,其性能优劣直接影响到产品产量和质量。所以,设计性能优良搬运机械手控制系统对于提升产品产量和质量含有十分关键意义。 论文针对完成曲轴在两条生产线之间搬运任务搬运机械手控制系统进行设计。采取了电液一体化设计方案,液压缸实现了机械手对工件抓放,经过伺服电机来实现机械手在水平、竖直方向快速正确移动。采取SIEMENS企业SIMATIC S7-200系列PLC作为关键控制器,外扩定位模块EM253模块对伺服电机进行正确定位控制,从硬件和软件两个方面进行设计,完成了PLC在搬运机械手中硬件连接,I/O点分配和应用程序设计,实现了机械手上电初始化、零点复位、故障报警、手动运行、半自动运行和在无人看管时自动运行。最终达成设计要求,完成搬运目标。 关键词: 搬运机械手 PLC 定位模块EM253 控制系统 Abstract Carrying manipulator is one of the important equipment in the enterprise automatic production line,whose performance quality directly affect product quality and production. Therefore, the design of excellent properties carrying manipulator control system to improve product quality and production is very important . This paper aimed at designing the carrying manipulator handling mission control system which achieved the crankshaft between two production lines. Adopting electrical integration design, we use a locking function of the cylinder to realize the manipulator grasp of the workpiece in put and guarantee the expired condition, through state of manipulator keep servo motor move quickly and accurately in level and the vertical direction. Adopt SIEMENS company SIMATIC S7-200 PLC as the core controller, the outside enlarge EM253 performs accurate positioning control in module module of servo motor, designing from two aspects of hardware and software, completed in handling mechanical hand PLC hardware connection, I/O point distribution and application of the design, realizing the manipulator on electricity initialization, zero reset, fault alarm, manual operation, semi-automatic operation and the automatic operation when no keeping watch. Finally achived the design requirements and completed handling purpose. KEY WORDS: carrying manipulator,PLC Position Module EM253, control system 目录 TOC \o "3-3" \h \z \u \t "标题 1,1,标题 2,2" 19107 摘 要 I 23966 Abstract II 10526 目录 III 13689 序言 1 3908 1系统关键部件选择 5 25343 1.1 液压缸选择


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