2021春外研版九年级英语下册 Module 6 习题 Unit 3 Language in use (2).pptxVIP

2021春外研版九年级英语下册 Module 6 习题 Unit 3 Language in use (2).pptx

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外研版九年级下 Module 6 Eating togetherUnit 3 Language in use提示:点击 进入习题语法通关练习答案呈现1116changedBto be laughed at212B7sentused for playing13made83Cwas put144invitedC9can't be answered51015be keptBgiven一、单项选择。1. — What do you think of the TV show Keep Running?— It’s very popular. Millions of families______by it every year.A. is attracted B. are attractedC. was attracted D. were attractedB2. [中考·河北] Hangzhou ______ as the City of Silk. Tourists like shopping for silk there.A. knows B. is knownC. was known D. will be knownB【点拨】陈述客观事实。故用一般现在时。3. Jack was seen ______ computer games in the net bar this morning.A. play B. playedC. playing D. to playingC【点拨】be seen doing 强调被看见正在做某事。4. Let’s wait and see whether books ______ by the Internet in the future.A. replace B. replacedC. will be replaced D. were replacedC5. Smoking ______ at school among teenagers.A. is allowing B. is not allowedC. are allowing D. are not allowedB二、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。6. 没有人喜欢被嘲笑,因此我们应该善待每个人。Nobody likes________ ________ ________ ________, so we should be kind to everyone.to be laughed at7. CD机是用来播放音乐的。The CD player is ________ ________ ________ music.used for playing8. 杰里的笔记本昨晚被放进了书包里。Jerry’s notebook ________ ________ in the schoolbag last night.was put9. 我们组里没有人能回答这个问题。The question ________ ________ ________ by anybody in our group.can't be answered10. 这本字典可以被借三周。The dictionary may ________ ________ for three weeks.be kept三、用所给词的正确形式填空。A: What’s going on here? All the offices were _________11 while I was away!B: Haven’t you heard? Where have you been, anyway?A: I was ________12 to New York. I just got back.invite, make, send, change, givechangedsentinvite, make, send, change, giveB: Well, a lot of changes were _________13 last week. And I was ________14 to the main office.A: It’s very nice. Congratulations!B: What about you? Will you come to join us?A: I’d like to if I can be __________15 a new office.madeinv


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