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英文演讲稿开头 拂着六月的微风,沐浴着七月的麦香,我,一名年轻的机关工作人员带着青春的气息站到了这里,在中国工农红军长征胜利七十周年之际和大家一起高唱廉洁之歌,我感觉无比的荣幸和自豪!今天,我为大家演讲的题目是《追忆长征路,弘扬廉政曲》。红军不怕远征难,万水千山只等闲。”每次听到这首豪迈激昂的《七律·长征》时,我的眼前都会浮现出这样的一组场景:**桥边、大渡河畔珍藏了他们英勇无畏的身影;雪山草地、高山峻岭留下了他们坚毅执着的脚步;四出奇兵,**河记录着他们胜利后的笑容;三军会师,**载歌载舞恭贺他们创造人间神话。七十年前,先辈用他们的热血和生命谱写了“惊天地,泣鬼神”的长征之歌。七十年后,作为新世纪的主人,我们又会做出怎样的回答呢? the four freedoms 要有强健的体魄。一代人有好的身体是中华民族充满活力的重大标志。少年儿童要积极参与到阳光体育活动中去,锻炼好自己的身体,时刻准备着为中化民族的复大振兴贡献力量。 As the world becomes more connected and less hierarchical, traditional career paths are shifting as well. In 2001, after working in the government, I moved out to Silicon Valley to try to find a job. My timing wasn’t really that good. The bubble had crashed. Small companies were closing. Big companies were laying people off. One women CEO looked at me and said, "we would never even think about hiring someone like you."当世界变得更紧密界限更模糊时,传统的职业生涯也在发生变化。2001年在为政府工作了几年之后,(谢丽尔·桑德伯格当初为Larry Summers工作)我搬到硅谷找下一份工作。当时并不是个好时机。泡沫破灭了。小公司都在倒闭,大公司都在裁员。一个女性CEO看着我说,“我们根本不会考虑招你这样的人。” In our rural areas, raising me and my brother is not easy, let alone reading we want to send. faced with huge fees, parents insist teeth, and put the burden of any of their livelihood on the shoulder bending, no complaints. franklin delano roosevelt in the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms. the first is freedom of speech and expression -- everywhere in the world. the second is freedom of every person to worship god in his own way -- everywhere in the world. the third is freedom from want, which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants -- everywhere in the world. the fourth is freedom from fear, which, translated into world terms, means a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an a


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