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PAGE PAGE # / 11 PAGE PAGE # / 11 2019届江苏高考英语3500词汇复习与检测精品系列(基础练习)04 、单词填空(选用恰当的词填空并注意形式变化。每词只能用一次,其中有多 余的词) an alyze anchor announce appear apologize applaud appo int appreciate ambiguous ample an cie nt annual an cestor an gle appetite anni versary an tique apple ano ther anyhow any where appare nt among You should to your mother for your rude ness. 【答案】apologize 【句意】你应该就你的粗鲁向你的妈妈道歉。 2」n terms of restorati on of ancient architecture, the Chin ese gover nment has in vested a large sum of money on it. 【答案】ancient 【句意】在修复古建筑方面,中国政府已经投入了大量的资金。 Ch ina 'agriculture has bee n develop ing steadily, thus providi ng light in dustry with raw materials. 【答案】ample 【句意】中国的农业已经稳步增长,这样给轻工业提供丰富的原材料。 There is nothing that all illegal immigra nts should be sent back across the border immediately. 【答案】 ambiguous 【句意】壹无疑问"所有非法移民都应该豆即被送回边境。 We off the coast of Spain. 【答案】anchored 【句意】我们在西班牙沿海抛锚停泊。 Joh n is really a bad . He always robs little girls of their bags. 【答案】apple 【句意】约翰真是一个坏蛋。他总是抢小女孩的包。 The team are worki ng hard to the problem so that they can find the best solutio n. 【答案】analyze 【句意】团队正在努力分析这一问题以便找到解决问题的方法。 He believed that these creatures are lin ked to a com mon , one that lived in Asia some 300,000 years ago. 【答案】ancestor 【句意】句意:他认为, 这些生物与一个共同的祖先相关联,一种生活于约 30万年前亚洲的动物。 The wife had hardly prepared a big dinner whe n the husba nd was aware of their eighth weddi ng that day. 【答案】 anni versary 【句意】妻子刚准备好一顿丰盛的晚餐丈夫就意识到那天是他们结婚八周年纪念日。 was thinking of going to see An drew whe n who should but An drew himself. 【答案】appear 【句意】我在考虑去见安得烈,正当这个时候,安得烈本人竟然出现了。 The Christmas party last night was a success. We sang and danced until it came to an end at 12:30. 【答案】ann ual 【句意】昨天晚上,一年一度的圣诞晚会很成功。我们唱歌跳舞一直 12:30才结束。 Lucy advised him not to buy the car, but he bought it . 【答案】anyhow 【句育】露西建议他不要买车」但他无论如何汪是买了。 13.It is quite that the agi ng populati on in China will cause a heavy pressure on the whole society in the future . 【答案】apparent 【句意】很明显中国的老龄人口会在将来导致整个社会沉重的压力。 The train is behi


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