移动互联项目实训 项目拓展资源 KL25_Development_2_C_programming.pptx

移动互联项目实训 项目拓展资源 KL25_Development_2_C_programming.pptx

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数字电路与嵌入式系统; Course Contents;单片机的启动过程;单片机软件开发的流程;单片机程序的运行;单片机软件开发过程中的各种文件;;ENTRY(__thumb_startup) /* Highest address of the user mode stack */ _estack = 0 /* end of SRAM */ __SP_INIT = _estack; /* Generate a link error if heap and stack dont fit into RAM */ __heap_size = 0x400; /* required amount of heap */ __stack_size = 0x400; /* required amount of stack */ /* Specify the memory areas */ MEMORY { m_interrupts (rx) : ORIGIN = 0 LENGTH = 0xC0 m_cfmprotrom (rx) : ORIGIN = 0 LENGTH = 0x10 m_text (rx) : ORIGIN = 0 LENGTH = 128K - 0x800 m_data (rwx): ORIGIN = 0x1FFFF000, LENGTH = 16K /* SRAM */ } /* Define output sections */ SECTIONS { 。。。。。。。 .text, .rodata -》flash .data, .bss, .heap, .stack -》SRAM;2016/5/23;存储器(和控制寄存器);C programming ;Developed by Dennis Ritchie in Bell Lab for Unix on PDP-11 “The C Programming Language 2nd Ed” (1988) Kernighan Ritchie C is “marco-assemble” language The ANSI C Standard Defined the Syntax and Semantics Standard Defined the Standard C library ;C语言中的数据类型? ;C语言的数据类型;Lecture5 Page 17;Lecture5 Page 18;Lecture5 Page 19;C语言如何实现对硬件的控制? ;KL26 GPIO;KL26 GPIO PDOR;强制类型转换的意义 Forced type conversion ;强制类型转换的妙用;C语言读写特定地址(寄存器);MKL26Z4.h;KL26 GPIO;C语言知道这是一个寄存器? ;Volatile 关键字 [易失的、可变的];volatile (2);Lecture5 Page 31;Bit operations;Bit operators;Bit operation - Set bit/bits;Bit operation – bit mask;Bit operation – clear bit/bits;Bit operation – shift bits;Bit operation – extract bits value;Bit operation – bit/bits condition;中断子程序用C语言如何实现? ;中断子程序用C语言如何实现?;中断向量表;Page 43;从单片机启动 到 main ;起始代码-Startup code;Startup code;有限的RAM ROM 8K~32K RAM; 32K~1M ROM/FLASH, Optimized program, reduced libraries 针对具体的单片机型号 Registers mapping,linker parameters The good thing is “the IDE provides these” 没有操作系统支持 The developer need to take care of everything. 中断子程的编写;单片机C语言编程之特点;;Questions ?



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