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高考英语考生须知 - 旧词新意 近年来, 为了考查考生猜测词义的能力, 高考英语阅读理解题中出现了大量生词, 其中有不少词 属于熟词换新义的情况,很多考生因不懂这些熟词的新含义,而出现思维被堵的现象,严重影响了 对全文的正确理解,造成了不应有的失分。 例 1:Ottawa has given out special passes to some 300 US citizens in that area so they can enter the country when Canadian customs stations are closed, but the US stopped a similar program last May.(2005 全国卷 I ) 析: custom 原本为名词,表风俗习惯。由句中 special passes、enter the country 和 are closed之间的语 境逻辑可以推断该词仍为名词,表 “海关 ”。 例 2 :The other teams, disappointed, were on the bus heading home.(2004 山东卷) 析: head本为名词,表头。由 the bus和 home 的语境逻辑可以推断,该句 head为动词,表方向,结 合全句可译为 “开往、驶向 ”。 例 3:I had first known she was wrong, that her anxiety had clouded her judgment. (2004 全国卷Ⅱ) 析: cloud 本为名词,表云。分析语境逻辑可知,忧虑会影响一个人的判断,因此该句 clouded 应译 为使难以 …… 。 例 4 :Finally, although some social science majors may still find it more difficult than their technically trained classmates to land the first job, recent graduates report that they dont regret their choice of study. (2004 山东卷) 析:land 作动词,表登陆、着陆。结合语境可知, 登陆第一份工作就指找到第一份工作, 因此该句 land 应译为 “得到、找到 ”。 例 5:How could they begin to picture modern life? 析: picture 本为名词,表图画。分析语境逻辑可知,该句 picture 作为动词,可理解为使 …… 出现图 画,即描绘。 不少考生因不理解划线部分熟词的新含义, 给全句甚至全文的理解带来很大困难。 显然为了提高阅读 效率,我们很有必要归纳一下熟词的新词义。 1. fire vt. 解雇 Work hard or you will be fired. 努力工作,否则你将被解雇。 2. fine vt. 罚款 If you pay no attention to the red light and run across the street, youll be fined.如果你对红灯不予理睬,强 行过马路,你将被罚款。 3. fall n. 秋天 In fall all the leaves fall of themselves. 秋天所有树叶都会无风自落。 4. wind vt. 使弯曲前进 vi. 迂回,蜿蜒 The Great Wall of China winds its way from west to east.长城自西向东蜿蜒前进。 5. lay 下蛋,产卵 The hens lay there, laying eggs.母鸡伏在那里下蛋。 6. spring n. 泉水,弹簧,弹力; vt. 跳跃 The spring has run dry. 这眼泉干涸了。 This is


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