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XR-2209 Voltage-Controlled ...the analog plus companyTM Oscillator June 1997–3 FEATURES APPLICATIONS Excellent Temperature Stability (20ppm/°C) Voltage and Current-to-Frequency Conversion Linear Frequency Sweep Stable Phase-Locked Loop Wide Sweep Range (1000:1 Minimum) Waveform Generation Wide Supply Voltage Range (+4V to + 13V) Triangle, Sawtooth, Pulse, Squarewave Low Supply Sensitivity (0.1% /V) FM and Sweep Generation Wide Frequency Range (0.01Hz to 1MHz) Simultaneous Triangle and Squarewave Outputs GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XR-2209 is a monolithic voltage-controlled oscillator phase-locked loop applications. (VCO) integrated circuit featuring excellent frequency The oscillator of the XR-2209 has a typical drift stability and a wide tuning range. The circuit provides specification of 20ppm/°C. The oscillator frequency can simultaneous triangle and squarewave outputs over a be linearly swept over a 1000:1 range with an external frequency range of 0.01Hz to 1MHz. It is ideally suited for control voltage. FM, FSK, and sweep or tone generation, as well as for ORDERING INFORMATION Operating Part No. Package T


恬淡虚无 + 关注

学高为师,身正为范.师者,传道授业解惑也。做一个有理想,有道德,有思想,有文化,有信念的人。 学无止境:活到老,学到老!有缘学习更多关注桃报:奉献教育,点店铺。

