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Rhyme尾韵韵脚文学作品举例 迷人的尾韵 Black is the father of all colors; white is the mother of all colors. 黑色为万色之父,白色为万色之母。 什么是尾韵? Rhyme 也称Rime, 相当于希腊语rhuthmos, 或者拉丁语rhythus, 如:fair 和 chair, 或者ending 和 bending 迷人的尾韵 诗歌中的尾韵 The Sun Rising John Donne Busy old fool, unruly sun, Why dost thou thus, Through windows and through curtains call on us? Must to thy motions lovers’ seasons run? 多管闲事的老傻瓜,不安分的太阳,你为何要这样做,透过窗户和窗帘叫唤我们?难道情人的季节必须跟着你转吗? 迷人的尾韵 真正的机智是打扮得体的大自然,过去人们经常想到,却从未如此精妙地表达出来,是我们一看到就确信其真理,它将再现曾留在我们脑海里形象。 An Essay on Criticism Alexander Pope True wit is Nature to advantage dressed, What oft was thought, but ne’er so well expressed. Something whose truth convinced at sight we find, That gives us back the image of our mind. 迷人的尾韵 Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard Thomas Gray The curfew tolls the knell of parting day, The lowing herd wind slowly o’er the lea, The plowman homeward plods his weary way, And leaves the world to darkness and to me. 晚钟敲响了丧钟,送走逝去的白昼, 低鸣的牛群迂曲绕行,缓缓走在草原上, 犁地人拖着脚步,疲惫地走在回家的路上, 把整个世界留给黑暗和我。 迷人的尾韵 不管有学问的人说过什么,我依然坚持自己的老观点;我们给死者安排的姿势,表明了灵魂的永远安眠。 The Indian Burying Ground Philip Freneau In spite of all the learned have said, I still my old opinion keep, The posture, that we give the dead, Point out the soul’s eternal sleep. 迷人的尾韵 Annabel Lee Edgar Allan Poe It was many and many a year ago, In a kingdom by the sea, That a maiden there lived whom you may know, By the name of Annabel Lee; And this maiden she lived with no other thought, Than to love and be loved by me. 迷人的尾韵 Miniver Cheevy Edwin Arlington Rovinson Miniver Cheevy, child of scorn, Grew lean while he assailed the seasons; He wept that he was ever born, And he had reasons. 米尼佛.奇维,受人嘲笑的对象,与时代相对抗时变得十分虚弱;他流泪,感叹怎么来到这个世界啊,他有他的理由。 Robert Frost My object in living is to unite my avocation and vocation. 我生活中的目标是


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