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高考英语写作 读后续写语料库( 4)看的动作描写 1. We all gather in front of the television, praying to glance / glimpse of his face. 我们都聚集在电视机前,祈祷着 能看他一眼  catch 。  a Seeing no other people notice us, I placed the Christmas present down and pounded his doorbell. 3. Her eyes fell on the photos of her and me at my fourth birthday party. 他的眼光落在我和他在我四岁生日派对上的照片。 4. Singing happily, she gazed at her surroundings with large,innocent eyes . 一边高兴地唱着歌,一边用她天真无邪的大眼睛盯着周围的人。 5. The woman was staring eagerly at the girl, trying to make a conversation. 这位女士 热切地注视 着这个姑娘,想和她说话。 6. I watched helplessly , as the woman felt more and more frustrated and hopeless. 当这个女士感到愈加挫败和无助地时候,我也无助地看了看 7. Then I crept downstairs and examined the tags attached to each of the packages. 我爬下楼 ,检查和每个包裹连着的那个标签。 8. When he finished, he raised/lifted his eyes and looked out the window. 当他结束了,他就 抬起眼 ,朝窗外看看。 9. She had spotted a man pacing down the hall. 她注视 到一个人走进了大厅。 10. When the students stepped off the bus, James ’s eyes widened in surprise. 当学生们走下汽车, JAMES的眼睛充满了惊奇 。 * 因为惊奇而睁大眼睛 11. We recognized the famous comedian on his arrival . 这个著名的喜剧演员 一 到达我们就认出来了 。 12. Meghan nodded seriously , eyes glistening with held-back tears . MEGHAN 很认真地点点头,眼睛里噙着泪水。 *glisten v. 闪耀 13. Swallowing hard, I stared into Meghan ’s eyes for a long moment, wondering how I could cope with it. 咽了一下,我 盯着 MEGHAN的眼睛 看了很久,想知道我 该怎么办。 Then he jumped up, eyes twinkling as he ran to fetch some of his prized Matchbox cars. 他跳了起来,眼睛闪亮,跑去领他得奖的火柴盒小车(模型车)。 15. I was taking my time, strolling in the park and looking in shop windows  . 我正在享受着  在公园里散步和看商店橱窗  的时光。


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