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编号: _____________ 境外实时开户通信系统安装及运行 合同 甲 方:________________________________________________ 乙 方:___________________________ 签订日期: _______年______月______ 日 第 1 页 共 7 页 甲方: buyer: 乙方: seller: 签约日期: date: shenzhen securities communication co., ltd (sscc) 甲乙双方就乙方为甲方安装建立一套实时开户通信系统并为甲方提供日后的通信运行服务 事项,达成合同条款如下: the seller agrees to sell, and the buyer agrees to buy the online securities account opening system (osaos) according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 一、 甲方义务 the buyer ’s obligations 具备一条用于连接深圳市证券通信公司通信中心的电话线或 ddn 线路。并针对不同的线路, 分别购买用于接入的设备: modem或路由器( cisco 26 系列)。the buyer needs to prepare a telephone or a ddn line for connecting the communication center of sscc, and to buy the connecting equipment according to the line prepared: modem or router. 准备一台 cpu 主频 500mhz 以上、内存 64m 以上、硬盘 500m以上并安装中文 nt 操作系统的 品牌 pc 机。 the buyer needs to buy a computer with a minimum capacity of 500mhz cpu, 64m mem, 500m hd installed with chinese nt operation system. 具备符合中国证券登记结算公司深圳分公司要求的软件及硬件环境。 the software and the hardware used by the buyer shall accord with the specifications prescribed by china securities depository and clearing corporation limited (csdcc). 第 2 页 共 7 页 为乙方的安装调试工作提供必要的协助。 the buyer shall offer necessary assistance to the on-site installation technicians sent by the seller. 正确使用和操作该通信系统。 the buyer shall use the osaos in a proper and correct way. 按时支付合同规定的各项费用。 the buyer shall pay the charges according to the contract without delay. 二、 乙方义务 the seller ’s obliga


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