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附件1: 揭榜攻关重大关键技术需求发榜资料提纲 项目名称:基于微流控技术的新一代血栓弹力图系统关键技术 (研发) Project name: Key technology (research and development) of the new generation Hemostasis analyzer system based on microfluidic technology 需求单位:郑州安图生物工程股份有限公司 Demander: Zhengzhou Autobio Diagnostics Co., Ltd. 统一社会信用代码: 914100007167932103 Unified social credit code: 914100007167932103 需求描述: Demands description: 1.企业简介: Company profile: 安图生物创立于1998年,专注于体外诊断试剂和仪器的研发、制 造、整合及服务,产品涵盖免疫、微生物、生化等检测领域,能够为 医学实验室提供全面的产品解决方案和整体服务,综合实力居国内同 行业前列。 Antobio was founded in 1998, focusing on the research and development, manufacturing, integration and service of in vitro diagnostic reagents and instruments. The products cover the detection fields of immunity, microbiology and biochemistry. The company can provide comprehensive product solutions and overall services for medical laboratories, and the comprehensive strength ranks in the forefront of the same industry in China. 2.需求描述: Demands description: 与我公司共同完成基于微流控技术的新一代血栓弹力图设备及配 套试剂的开发和相关注册工作。 Work with our company to complete the development and registration of the new generation Hemostasis analyzer system and reagents based on microfluidic technology. 3.需揭榜方技术支持及研究内容: Technical support and research that need to be provided by the bidders: (1)提供新一代血栓弹力图系统相关检测原理的设计方案; Provide the design scheme of relevant detection principles of the new-generation Hemostasis analyzer system; (2 )指导并参与系统配套试剂反应体系的搭建; Guide and participate in the construction of reagent reaction system supporting the system; (3 )指导并参与系统配套微流控检测卡的设计; Guide and participate in the design of supporting microfluidic test card of the system; (4 )完成血栓弹力图系统的检测仪器开发工作; Complete the development of testing instruments for Hemostasis analyzer system;


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