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2013高考上海卷英语作文点评 II. Guided Writing Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given in Chinese. 上海博物馆拟举办一次名画展, 现就展出场所 (博物馆还是社区图书馆) 征 集公众意见,假设你是王敏, 给上海博物馆写一封信表达你的想法。 你的信必须 满足以下要求: 1. 简述你写信的目的及你对场所的选择; 2. 说明你的理由(从便利性,专业性等方面对这两个场所进行对比) Dear Sir/ Madam, I ve just learned that Shanghai Museum is to hold a famous painting exhibition and you re collectinpgublic suggestions about which location to hold it . I m writing this letter to share with you my opinions. As far as Im concerned, it is more reasonableto hold the painting exhibition in Shanghai Museum than in community libraries. My reasons are as follows. On the one hand, it is more convenient for people to reach Shanghai Museum, located in the center of the city. Visitors can go there by subway and bus and so on. Whats more, Shanghai Museum is much more extensive than community libraries, providing visitors with a more comfortable environment to appreciate the famous paintings. On the other hand, Shanghai Museum, a well-known and distinguished museum at home and abroad, is more professional in holding painting exhibitions. What sof great significance is that not only does it provide advanced facilities and high-tech monitors but also offers professional security guards to protect those famous paintings from being damaged or stolen in the process of exhibition. Consequently, I strongly propose that the painting exhibition is to be held in the Shanghai Museum. Yours, Wang Min 赏析: 今年上海市的高考英语作文话题贴近学生的生活实际, 用书信的载体呈现,让 考生对画展感觉到有话可以说,但是想要达到 A类作文,不仅需要有扎实语言 功底,还需要对博物馆和社区图书馆及画展等生活类的语言应用娴熟, 更需要学 生从专业一点的角度,深入分析其选择的理由,这个层面很多学生很难用专业的 语言区描述,学生平时学习时间紧张,没有时间到社会上参加一些社会活动, 而 且在紧张的时间里,更别提用一些复杂的语言结构区展示自己的理由, 所以学生 写到高分不是很容易,大部分学生得到 15/16分是没有问题的。采取这样的命题 思路对英语教学有较好的反馈作用,学校和家庭不仅仅督促学生的学习更要提供 机会让孩子走出课堂,走向社会,培养学生创造性和批判性思维。 提示: 生活类词汇:museum library painting exhibition advancedfacility high- tech mon itor security guard 分词的应用:located provid ing disti nguished 句型:主语从句 标语从句 倒装等 2012年上海高考英语作文 Directions:


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