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实用标准文案 实用标准文案 文档 文档 #include RadialBasisNetwork.h #include Exception.h #include Matrix.h #include File.h using namespace std; namespace annie { /** Creates a Radial basis function network. All the outputs will have a bias. * @param inputs Number of inputs taken in by the network * @param centers Number of centers the network has. Each center will be * an inputs-dimensional point * @param outputs The number of outputs given by the neuron. All of them will have * a bias real*/ real RadialBasisNetwork::RadialBasisNetwork(int inputs, int centers, int outputs, (*CenterArray)[1024]) : Network(inputs,outputs) { int i,j; //extern real CenterArray[WORDNUM][inputs]; centroid = new real[inputs]; /// Layer of input. Each member is an InputNeuron //InputLayer *_inputLayer; _inputLayer = new InputLayer(0,inputs); /** Number of centers in the network. * If you plan to extend this class, then the onus of keeping this value * consistent lies on you */ _nCenters = centers; /// Layer of centers, each member is a CenterNEuron _centerLayer = new Layer(1); for (i=0;i_nCenters;i++) { for( j=0;jinputs;j++) { centroid[j]=CenterArray[i][j]; } new//CenterNeuron *c = CenterNeuron(Layer::MAX_LAYER_SIZE*1+i,inputs); new CenterNeuron *c = new CenterNeuron(Layer::MAX_LAYER_SIZE*1+i,inputs, centroid); for (j=0;jinputs;j++) { c-connect(_inputLayer-getNeuron(j)); } _centerLayer-addNeuron(c); } /// Layer of output, each member if a SimpleNeuron _outputLayer = new Layer(2); for (i=0;ioutputs;i++) { SimpleNeuron *n = new SimpleNeuron(Layer::MAX_LAYER_SIZE*2+i,true); n-setActivationFunction(identity,didentity); for (j=0;jcenters;j++) n-connect(_centerLayer-getNeuron(j)); _outputLayer-addNeuron(n); /// Copy constructor, NOT YET IMPLEMENTED RadialBasisNetwork::RadialBasisNetwork(RadialBasisNetwork src) : Network(src) { int i,j,lbl; int inputs = src._inputLayer-getSize(); int centers = src._centerLayer-getSize(); int outputs = src._outputLayer-getSize(); new_inputLayer = new InputLayer(src._inputLayer-get


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