
病理学:6 心血管系统疾病.ppt

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病理解剖诊断 一、升主动脉及主动脉弓初始段夹层动脉瘤破裂,导致: 1. 心包积血(350ml); 2. 纵隔积血(50ml); 3. 胸主动脉壁夹层血肿(200ml); 二、急性肺水肿; 三、胰腺组织内少数钙化灶; …… 死亡原因: 升主动脉及主动脉弓初始段夹层动脉瘤破裂,导致急性心包填塞 Principles of Cardiac Dysfunction 1. Failure of the pump itself 2. An obstruction to flow 3. Regurgitant flow 4. Disorders of cardiac conduction 5. Disruption of the continuity of the circulatory system Thanks for your attention ! * * Constitute Supply nutrients to tissue, remove waste products Luminal narrow or occlusion It causes * General rules/common changes Foundation Performance of principles in specific organs * Heart takes on a firm texture. What pattern of tissue necrosis happens in Heart? How does the heart tissue repair after this injury? Granulation tissue would replace the damaged components. Granulation tissue would be replaced by connective tissue, termed scar formation. Abnormalities of cardiac conduction system fragile * I would teach in this order * Diseases of arteries are responsible for more morbidity and mortality than any other category of human disease. 动脉具有共同的基本结构:内膜、中膜、外膜。据其管径大小,分为大、中、小三级。其中,中动脉管壁的平滑肌相当丰富,管壁收缩性强,故又名肌性动脉(muscular artery)。小动脉也是肌性动脉。 大动脉管壁中有许多层弹性膜和弹性纤维,平滑肌较少,故也称弹性动脉,在心脏收缩期是伸展的。中动脉中膜平滑肌发达,管壁收缩性强,能使管腔显著缩小或扩大,调节分配到身体各部、各器官的血流量。小动脉、微动脉其中膜主要由平滑肌组成,其收缩、舒张能显著调节组织、器官的血流量。正常血压在相当程度上取决于外周血流阻力,而外周阻力的变化主要在于小动脉和微动脉平滑肌的收缩程度。 So far, we have studied the rheumatic heart disease, infective endocarditis and valvular disease. From now, we are gonna study some disease occurred in blood vessels, actually in arteries. Here it is, section IV, atherosclerosis. Before that, let us recall the normal structure together. Based on the diameter, there are 3 arteries. Large, medium and small. Large one is also called elastic arteries. Medium one is also called muscular arteries. Small ones, lie within the substance of tissues and organs. A special small arteries, with the lumen diameter 20-100 micrometer, is called arterioles. They are the principal points


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