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英语演讲的艺术week-two;You can’t become a skilled speaker just by following a set of rules in a textbook. There’s no substitute for experience. Plan your first speech, concentrate on such basics as speaking intelligibly, avoiding distracting mannerisms, and establishing eye contact with your listeners.;Methods of Delivery;Reading From a Manuscript;Establish eye contact with your listeners; march through the speech with glancing at your audience. Impress them with talking with them. Practice aloud to make sure the speech sounds natural. 4. Be certain the final manuscript is legible at a glance. 5. Reach out to your audience with directness and sincerity. ;Reciting From Memory;Speaking Impromptu; Respond to a previous speaker, present the speech in four simple steps: 1. State the point you are answering. 2. State the point you wish to make. 3. Support your point with evidence and reasoning. 4. summarize your point.;Begin speaking, maintain strong eye contact with the audience. Help them keep track of your ideas with signposts such as “ My first point is…; second, we can see that…; in conclusion, I would like to say…”. Best way to be a good impromptu speaker: practice, practice and practice. Show sample video. ;Speaking Extemporaneously; ;The Speaker’s Voice; Volume 音量; Remember your own voice sounds louder to you than a listener. Glance at the farthest audience. If they look puzzled, lean forward, or strain to hear, you need to talk louder. ;Pitch 音高;They make you sound happy or sad, angry or pleased, dynamic or listless, tense or relaxed. Avoid ending all your sentences on the same inflection. Otherwise, it’s monotony. Vary your pitch patterns to fit the meaning of your words. ;Rate 语速;Pauses 停顿;Not fill in the silence with “um”, “er”, or “well”. These vocalized pauses distract to listeners and damage a speaker’s credibility. Vocalized pause: a pause that occurs whe



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