机械工程及自动化毕业论文 - 副本.doc

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机械工程及自动化毕业论文 工程机械多媒体课件制作 工程机械多媒体课件制作 专 业 机械工程及自动化 摘 要 多媒体课件简单来说就是老师用来辅助教学的工具,创作人员根据自己的创意,先从总体上对信息进行分类组织,然后把文字、图形、图象、声音、动画、影像等多种媒体素材在时间和空间两方面进行集成,使他们融为一体并赋予它们以交互特性,从而制作出各种精彩纷呈的多媒体应用软件产品。 在此基础上制作了工程机械多媒体课件(PPT课件),内容丰富,图文并茂。课件中添加一些必要的图片、flash动画﹑视频和声音,这样既增加了课件的生动性与趣味性,有助于课程的完整性,同时又能大大提高同学们理解知识的能动性。本论文着重分析了工程机械构造底盘的变速箱和轮式底盘转向系,工程机械故障诊断部分的柴油机与液压系统的故障、故障排除方法以及一些诊断技术,同时对一些大型施工机械进行了研究和分析。 关键词:工程机械 多媒体 课件制作 Abstract Multimedia courseware for teachers is simply a tool used to support teaching, Creators in accordance with their own creativity, From the overall classification of information organizations, And then the text, graphics, images, sound, animation, images and other media material both in time and space aspects of integration, To enable them and empower them to integrate interactive features, In order to produce a variety of exciting multimedia applications software products. On this basis the production of multimedia courseware in engineering machinery (PPT courseware), A richly-illustrated. Courseware is necessary to add some pictures, flash animation、video and voice, In this way, an increase of courseware lively and interesting, Contribute to the integrity of the course, At the same time, greatly enhance the students knowledge of the initiative. In this paper, the project will focus on analyzing the mechanical construction of the gearbox and chassis dynamometer wheel steering system, Engineering machinery fault diagnosis part of the diesel engine and hydraulic system failure, troubleshooting methods as well as some diagnostic techniques, At the same time, a number of large construction machinery to carry out the research and analysis. Key words: Construction Machinery Multimedia Courseware 目 录 TOC \o "2-5" \h \z \t "标题 1,1,1,1,zbt,4,xiao 4,3" 第1章 绪 论 1 1.1 课题研究的背景目的意义 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 1 1.3 主要工作 1 第2章 变速箱 3 2.1 变速箱的功用与类型 3 2.1.1 变速箱的功用 3 2.1.2 变速箱的类型 3 2.2 机械式换档变速箱 3 2.2.1 T220型推土机的变速箱变速传动机构 3 2.2.2 T220型



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