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本科毕业设计(论文) 题 目 基于ASP.NET的在线拍卖系统 设计与实现 系 别 经 管 系 专 业 信息管理与信息系统 姓 名 指导老师 班 级 07信管1班 学 号 二O一一 年 六 月 本科毕业论文(设计)诚信声明 我谨在此保证:本人所写的毕业论文(设计),凡引用他人的研究成果均已在参考文献或注释中列出。论文(设计)主体均由本人独立完成,没有抄袭、剽窃他人已经发表或未发表的研究成果行为。如出现以上违反诚信的情况,本人愿意承担相应的责任。 声明人(签名): 年 月 日 摘要 随着Internet国际互联网的发展,计算机的普及,电子商务已成为现代企业一项不可缺少的内容。网上购物已被大众所慢慢接受。无需外出,只要在键盘上轻轻敲击,居家便可一键收购各种琳琅满目的商品,可谓方便又快捷。 本设计尝试用ASP.NET在网络上架构一个网上拍卖系统,以推进拍卖无纸化,过程电子化,管理智能化的发展。本论文从理论的角度出发,对一个具有数据分析功能的网上拍卖系统进行设计分析。最后完成了系统的实现。 本论文首先通过对在线拍卖的总体分析与设计,特别是系统的市场需求,得出在线拍卖系统的应用前景广阔。然后对其功能模块的介绍,确立了系统工作的总体业务流程。最后,介绍系统的具体功能及其实现形式,完成论文的撰写。该毕业设计主要的得到实现的功能模块有用户管理、订单审核、拍卖管理及留言板设置。 关键词:网上购物;网上拍卖; Abstract With the development of Internet, the proliferation of computers, E-commerce has become an indispensable modern enterprise content. Online shopping has been gradually accepted by the public.Without going out,just hit the keyboard,home can be a key acquisition of various range of goods can be described as easy and quick. The design attempts to use ASP.NET architecture on the network to create an online auction system which promotes the auction of paperless electronic process, management, development of intelligent. This paper from a theoretical point of view, design and analysis a data analysis on the online auction system. Finally, complete the systems. This paper firstly based on the overall analysis and design through the online auction, especially the demand of this system, it is concluded that the market demand for online auction system's application is prospect. Then the introduction of its function module establish the system of the overall business process. Finally, the specific function of the system and its realization in the form, complete the thesis writing. The main graduation function modules have been implemented user management, order review, auction management and message board settings. Keywords:online shopping


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