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必修四 Unit 3 A taste of English humour 词汇测验 一、短语翻译(30分) 1 贫穷;缺少的________________ 2 皮鞋________________ 3. 克服困难 __________________ 4 切断;断绝________________ 5 对…满足____________________ 6 挑出;辨别出________________ 7 担任主角;主演______________ 8 用微妙的方式________________ 9 磨破的,穿旧的______________ 10 遍及全国________________ 11 杰出的作品_________________ 12 一团糟__________________ 13 到现在为止_________________ 14 令某人吃惊的是__________________ 15 突然大笑___________________ 二、课文重点句子填空(10分) 1 You may find ___________________Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk. 2. Unfortunately his father died, ____________ the family even ___________, so Charlie spent his childhood looking after his sick mother and his brother. 3. Like so many others, the little tramp and his friend have rushed there_________________ gold, but without ___________. 4. He is loved and remembered ______ a great actor who could ___________ people __________ great confidence. 5. They were lying _______ the open air under the stars. Sherlock Holmes looked _____________ the stars and whispered. 三、单词填空(10分) 1. A c____________ person is happy with what he has, rather than worried about what he has not. 2. When having English class, I heard two students _____________ (低语) to each other. 3. This is a very e______________ film and almost everyone laughs while seeing it. 4. My teacher is a strict man and he has no s_____________ of humour. 5. I have had enough and can’t eat another m_____________ of dinner. 6. Dad didn't write; he sent a ______________ (verbal) message. 7. The news that Tom, an excellent student, had ___________ (failure) his exams surprised us all. 8. When she knew that, she was ____________ (silence) for a while, and left without a word. 9. Talking to teenagers can be _____________for parents because of the generation gap. 10. It’s been raining all day. This weather is ______________ (depress). 四、语法填空(15分) 1. Don’t leave the water


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