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新车发布会现场效果图 Design Sketch of New Car Release Conference Site 新车发布会现场效果图 Design Sketch of New Car Release Conference Site 新车发布会现场效果图 Design Sketch of New Car Release Conference Site 新车发布会现场效果图 Design Sketch of New Car Release Conference Site 来宾签名墙 Guest Signature wall 来宾进入仪式区之前将在签名背景板上签名,签名背景板两侧以独特花艺装饰 Before entering the ceremony area, guests shall sign their names on the signature background plate, decorated with unique floriculture on both sides. 来宾签名后由礼仪小姐引领进入观礼区入座 signing, guests will go into the ceremony watching area and sit down , guided by Miss Etiquettes. 活动执行——新车发布会活动内容 Activity Execution ——Content of New Car Release Conference Site 暖场环节 Warming up Stage 来宾入场后,现场播放暖场音乐,大屏幕显示CC定格画面 画外音将适时提示现场来宾活动进程 After the entering of the guests, warming up music is played lively. The large screen displays freezing frame of CC. Off-screen voice will inform the guests of activity process in good time. 活动执行——新车发布会活动内容 Activity Execution ——Content of New Car Release Conference Site 开场节目+新车发布 Opening Program + New Car Release 画外音提示活动正式开始,大屏幕播放CC广告VCR之后 由享有“芭蕾皇后”美誉的芭蕾舞演员朱妍带来一段优雅惊艳的芭蕾,配合小提琴的乐曲,诠释出CC的动感与优雅,在舞蹈最后引出我们的上市仪式的主角——CC Off-screen voice prompts the formal beginning of the activity. After the VCR of advertisement for CC is displayed by large screen, the Queen of Ballet - Zhu Yan will bring an elegant and breathtaking ballet, accompanied by violin melody, which gives full expression of the dynamic and elegance of CC. At the end of the dance, we will introduce the hero of the ceremony—CC. 活动执行——新车发布会活动内容 Activity Execution ——Content of New Car Release Conference Site 一辆全新CC将驶入舞台,在旋转舞台上停驻CC出场时将配合烟机和灯光效果营造气氛 A brand new CC will be driven on the stage, and stops on the revolving stage. When CC appears, we will create atmosphere by combining fume extractor and light effect. “芭蕾皇后”朱妍 The Queen of Ballet—Zhu Yan 朱妍,国家一级演员,中央芭蕾舞团首席主演。 曾主演过大型舞剧《天鹅湖》、《堂.吉诃德》、《睡美人》、《吉赛尔》、《海盗》、《仙女》、《胡桃夹子》、《大红灯笼高高挂》、《泪泉》和《希尔薇娅》及《练习曲》、《春之祭》等当代作品,并在乔治.巴兰钦的多部芭蕾作品中担任主要角色。 1994年获得第六届巴黎


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