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英美概况-英国地理小结 ? Great Britain ? Geographical features and the People 1. The British Isles are situated in the northwest part of the Europe. 2. Britain ruled an empire that had 1/4 of the world’s people and 1/4 of the world’s land area. It had colonies in North America, Asia, Africa and Australia. 3. The empire maintains links through a loose organization—Commonwealth of Nations英联邦. 4. Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 5. 大不列颠和英国的关系:Great Britain【England+Scotland+Wales(英伦三岛)】 +Northern Ireland=The UK 6. The UK—Capital:London Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. --Capital: Edinburgh. Wales is in the west of Great Britain. -- Capital: Cardiff 7. Northern Ireland is the fourth region of the UK. --- Capital: Belfast. 8. 英国地势:-- Rising in North-West causes highlands -- Sinking in South-East causes lowlands 9. 英国地势优点Advantage: No part of Britain is very far from the coast and it provides a valuable resource. The British coast is long and has good, deep harbors. Sea routes extend far inland, providing cheap transportation. 10. 最重要河流: The Thames – the best-known 最长河:The Severn – the longest river 最高山:Ben Nevis(位于Scotland)-the highest mountain 最大山脉:Pennines奔宁山脉(位于England) Pennines: the backbone of England 11. Scotland:Capital--Edinburgh 1) the 2nd largest of the 4 nations 2) famous for its great castle 3) 尼斯湖水怪(Loch Ness-Nessie) 12. Wales:Capital:--Cardiff 威尔士人是凯尔特人(Celt)的后裔,会讲Celtic(凯尔特语). 13. 英国气候:maritime climate海洋性气候 14. London:世界第四大城市,世界三大经融中心之一,政治经济文化中心 标志性建筑:Buckingham Palace,Big Ben,London Eye,Tower of London,Tower Bridge 15. The United Kingdom has been a member ofEuropean Union since 1973 Britain is now aMultiracial society which produces a population of which 1 in 20 are of non-European ethnicity. London plays a significant role in Britain’s economic and cultural life. It’s not only the financi


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