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The museum of Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! I will be your tour guide for your trip in xi’an. I will do my best to make your trip more enjoyable and memorable. I hope you will have a wonderful time stay here in Today, we are going to visit the Museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses. This museum is located at the foot of mountain Li Shan, about 35 kilometers east of Xi’an. First, I will give you a brief introduction about the First Qin Emperor, Yingzheng. He came to the throne at the age of 13, and seized the power at the age of 22. By 221BC, when he was only 39 years old. After the unification of the whole country, he styled himself the First Emperor and standardized the coinage, weights and measures, the legal codes, the written scripts and so on. He also ordered the linkage of the original Great Wall. All these exerted an everlasting influence on the long feudal history of China. Actually, the site of those terracotta warriors and horses we now see is just a small part of his mausoleum. Ok, everyone, now we are standing at the front gate. In March 1974, when several farmers were sinking a well, they came upon terracotta figures. Then they were named pit1,pit2, and pit3 by the order of discovery. Pit 1, takes an oblong shape. It covers an area of 14,260 square meters, is an earth-and-wood structure in the shape of a tunnel. They were arranged in battle formation. In the front of this formation, there are 210 warriors in 3 lines facing forward. Armed with bows and arrows, they constitute the so-called vanguard. Meanwhile, there is one row of warriors facing outward---they are the flanks and the rear guard. Holding long-distance shooting weapons, they took up the job of defending the whole army. Then, this way please. We may find ten partition walls which divided this pit into 11 corridors. According to the density, there are over 6000 terracotta warriors and horses, and most of them are infantrymen. With all of these, no wonder the first qin emperor


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