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-* 二级笔译 改革开放 30 多年来,西藏通过深化改革和扩大开放积 极推动全区商业、对外贸易和旅游产业加快发展,不仅增强 了与内地的交流,同时也加强了与世界的联系和合作。 Over the past 30-odd years, Tibet has been committed to deepening reform and opening up as a way to expedite the development of commerce, foreign trade and tourism across the region. As a result, we have seen closer communication between Tibet and other parts of the country and more active engagement and cooperation between the region and the outside world. 1993 年,西藏与全国一道开始建立“框架一致、体制衔 接”的社会主义市场经济体制,深化物资、粮食、日用消费 品等领域价格流通改革并全面进入市场。 Back in 1993, Tibet joined the rest of the country to introduce the socialist market economy that is consistent in framework and system across the country. Tibet worked to deepen the reform of pricing and circulation along the lines of production essentials, grain and daily necessities and embraced market force across the board. 目前,西藏已经深深融入全国统一的市场体系,来自全 国和世界各地的商品源源不断地进入西藏,丰富着城乡市场 和百姓生活。西藏的名、优、特产品及民族手工业产品,大 -* 量进入全国市场。 At the moment, Tibet has been integrated well into the unified market system of the country, and an endless stream of goods from the rest of the country and beyond are swarming into the region. As a result, urban and rural markets in the region have been made more diverse and people’s lives enriched. On the other hand, well-known, premium and special products as well as ethnically styled handicrafts Tibet has to offer are making massive forays/inroads into other parts of the country. 西藏与世界的经济联系日益密切。 2012 年,全区进出 口总额为 34.24 亿美元,是 1953 年 0.04 亿美元的 850 多倍, 年均增长 12.1%。 Tibet enjoys an increasingly close economic tie with the outside world. In 2012, Tibet recorded US$3.424 billion in total import and export volume, which represented an increase of over 850 folds from 1953 when the figure stood at a mere US$4 million, up by 12.1% annually on average. 截至 2012 年底,西藏实际利用外资  4.7 亿美元。 西藏立 足区位优势,加强与印度、尼泊尔等周边国家的友好合作, 实施面向南亚的陆路贸易大通道建设,建设吉隆、樟木、亚 东、普兰和日屋口岸,大力发展边境贸易。 As of the end of 2012, Tibet registered US$470million in -* paid-in foreign investm


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