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成年人入门学英语该如何选择 【学英语选择适合自己水平的磁带】 实际上并不是必须的,婴儿出生后,开始听母语时,并不是靠区分用语的难易程度来学说话的。就像小孩子不管水平高低、说话快慢,只是无意识地听就学会说话一样,无论听什么样的磁带从原则上讲都是可以的。 英语精功 英语学习有了一定的英语基础,就可以往更高的层次学习了。 《 》是英语教程中经典中的经典,所以,选它作为自学教程错不了。这套教材有4册,循序渐进,跳跃性不像某些教材那样明显。文章都是很接近现实生活,就像发生在你我身边的事一样,文章一般都比较幽默,也没有那么文绉绉的,等等。既然得到了大家的认可,其优点就不用说得太多了。 作为经典教程,大部分书店都能买到《 》(1997年开始的新版)和其配套磁带。而且,围绕 的辅导资料也非常丰富。当然,我认为没必要买杂七杂八的那么多辅导资料。英语分英国英语和美国英语,两者稍有不同。由于《 》是英国人(和中国人合编)编的教材,所以,买磁带时建议不要买美音版的(美音版的磁带在磁带上会特别注明美音版)。以后有需要再学美音不迟。 提示,许国璋英语学的那套音标符号是流行的老版的国际音标,而 的音标是新版的国际音标,不过请放心,仅仅有几个音标符号做了一点改变,随便问几个懂得人就可以了,实在不行对照以前认识的单词,猜都能猜出新旧音标对应的符号出来。 参考资料: deal - v. to have to do with ("The talks will deal with the problem of pollution."); to buy or sell ("Her company deals in plastic.") debate - v. to argue for or against something; n. a public discussion or argument debt - n. something that is owed; the condition of owing decide - v. to choose; to settle; to judge declare - v. to say; to make a statement decrease - v. to make less in size or amount deep - ad. going far down; a long way from top to bottom defeat - v. to cause to lose in a battle or struggle; n. a loss; the condition of having lost defend - v. to guard or fight against attack; to protect deficit - n. a shortage that results when spending is greater than earnings, or imports are greater than exports define - v. to give the meaning of; to explain degree - n. a measure of temperature delay - v. to decide to do something at a later time; to postpone; to cause to be late delegate - n. one sent to act for another; one who represents another demand - v. to ask by ordering; to ask with force democracy - n. the system of government in which citizens vote to choose leaders or to make other important decisions demonstrate - v. to make a public show of opinions or feelings ("The crowd demonstrated in support of human rights."); to explain by using examples ("The teacher demonstrated the idea with an experiment.") denounce - v. to accuse of being wrong o


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