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21 5 2007 9 Vol. 21 No. 5 CHINA WOOD INDUSTRY September 2007 1 1 2 2 姚利宏, 王喜明, 费本华 , 赵荣军 (1. , 010018; 2. ;, 100091) : 随着我国经济的发展和人们对居室环境要求的 高, 现代木结构建筑已成为新的热点, 木结构建筑的防火问 题亦成为研究的重点。本文介绍我国的木结构发展现状, 通过分析对比木结构、钢结构和钢筋混凝土建筑的防火特 点, 阐述改善木结构建筑防火性能的措施, 出我国今后木结构建筑防火研究的重点。 : 木结构建筑;防火;现状 中图分类号:TS6;S782.39   文献标识码:A  文章编号:100-1 8654(2007)0-5 002-9 03 Prese t Status of Fireproofi g for Woode Buildi gs 1 1 2 2 YAO L-i hong , WANG X-i ming , FEI Ben-h a , ZHAO Rong-j n (1.College of Forestry Engineering, Inner M ongolia Agric lt re University, H hhot 010018, Inner M ongolia, China; 2.Research Instit te of Wood Ind stry, Chinese Academy of Forestry; Key Lab of Wood Science and T echnology of State Forestry Administration, Beijing 100091, China) Abstract: With greater economic development and the improvement of people’s standard of living, modern wooden str ct res have become a new hot spot in c rrent constr ction.Therefore,fireproof performance of w ooden b ildings is becoming more and more important.The a thors first introd ce the development stat s of w ooden b ildings in China.They then describe the advantages of fireproofing w ooden b ildings as compared to steel constr ction and reinforced concrete constr ction. In concl sion, they make some s ggestions for f rther research and development trends on fireproofing of w ooden b ildings. Key words: w ooden str ct re b ildings;fireproofing;present stat s   , 、, 、, 。, , , 。 。 、、 , 、, 、、 ,。 、、、, ,、 。, 、、、 、、。 。


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