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九年级上英语期末 much. 3、听对话和问题,选择正确的选项。 11) A I卷选择题,(共80分) -、听力选择(共25小题;每题1 分, 满分25分) 1、听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息 1 ) B. select call A 13% 3) B .the A C. o collect B 12) B. C. 3% the dream ing swimmi ng team .30% C. team the swimmi ng term A . My parents B. I like cats C. won t want cats A The book belongs to Mary is the author like cats I MoYan .B. of book.C .Mary likes Mo Yan best. 2、听句子,选出该句的最佳答案。 6.) A」can words correctly. B 」 grammer. C .It En glish. 7) B. am C .Maybe I can 8 ) B .That I don 9 13 the t pronounce these good at En glish Peter .David C P eter s aunt. 14) A B .At the the con cert. .He s short B .He s short with glasses. 15) A hair. C .He In beach. the restaura nt. C .At with wears straight glass. so easy to study 16) A. B .A teacher. An ani mal C .A doctor. .That s right . you help me ? policema n. 17) A Very bori ng s in teresti ng A Could A s kind t know. ) .I of th ink so. you . C. B .How about you? course. 10) A .It ca n blue. A .Really? C. Of t be his.His is B .He goes to school by bike every day. C .Jim likes his bike very B .Very C .Very popular and famous. A . B .Three C. Four 4、听语段和问题,选择正确答案。 When will the ten th Sports Fastival of Y ucai MiddleSchool be held? A . From October to November B . Fron September to October. C . From November to December Two How many events will there be during the festival? A 24 C. 26 Howmanyplayers will in the Sports Festival? A . About 700 About 800 C. About 900 How old was Mi ng ?. A.Five C .Three Where did Mi ngmi ng live ? A. In a big B」n the country side. In a small towm. What was his mother? A. B . A n urse worker What did mother? A . B. I m sorry . are you 二、选择填空(共 分,满分15分) A C. A 25 take part B. B.Four city C. teacher the boy say to his love you C .How 15小题,每小题 C. allow D. are allowed 29. - - Do you feel tired? ---No, I don t. If I were tired, I a rest. ---I m not sure. He in his office. A. is B. maybe C. maybe D. may 31. I don t like people talk much but do little. A. who B. that C. which D. whose 32 . a won derfu


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