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法律专业大学生求职信 第一篇:法律专业求职信 求职信 尊敬的 xx 领导: 您好: 感谢您百忙之中抽时间阅读我这封求职信。我是 xx 大学法律系一名大四学生, 怀着一颗真诚的心向您推荐我自己。 大学四年,得到了一些东西,同时也失去了一些东西。大学是个大熔炉,是个 小社会。我的专业是法律,说实话学习法律法律真的很枯燥,我一开始也很讨厌专 业课,法律专业术语有一段时间我见到就头疼,但是既然选择了这条路,跪着也要 走下去。慢慢的,经过系统的学习我掌握了法律方面的知识。 在这大学四年里。我并不满足自己的法律方面的知识,通过学习国家英语四级 考试和计算机二级考试。英语能够与外宾进行短话,能够熟练进行操作计算机。另 外,我还获得的国家普通话一级乙等证书,基层法律服务资格证书。 理论同实践相结合是获得经验的重要的一步。曾先后在济南市舜翔律师事务所 和枣庄市基层法律事务所进行实习工作并获得了“优秀实习生”的称号。在学校积 极参加社团工作,曾先后担任法学院外联部部长及学生会公关部副部长、执行部长 等职务并策划第 25 届校运动会,在法律系辩论赛中获得“优秀辩手”称号。 我是一个求实奋进的年轻人,性格开朗、乐观,有较好的人际关系,环境适应 性强。我兴趣广泛尤其热爱读书和游泳,读书使我明智游泳,使我强健体魄。 总之请相信您的眼光,今天给我一次机会,明天我必将大放光彩。 祝贵公司 蒸蒸日上。 此致 敬礼 求职人: xxxx xxxx 年 xx 月 xx 日 第二篇:法律英语求职信 respected leaders: hello. thank you for taking your time to read my letter! i am now 2014 nanjing university of finances and economics law major graduates, with a sincere, fervent, full of youthful spirit to your offer ones own services! university four years, after careful teacher training and my personal efforts, i have fully with the contemporary university students should have the quality and capacity of. in the humanities and social sciences have a broad knowledge base, i have systematically mastered the legal discipline professional knowledge, and familiar with certain science and engineering knowledge, proficient in foreign languages, puter of can skilled operation. forge ahead, never placent is my motto. theory and practice for me equally important. during my school to participate actively in munity activities, training organization and coordination ability, make use of their spare time to do part-time tutor, salesman, strive for self-improvement, self-reliance. during the summer or winter holiday, i went to court, procuratorate, the law firm internship, and writing practice report and paper, to link theory with practice. in short, i cherish every chance to practical work, accumulated certain social experience. i am a integrity, diligence and realistic people, the constant pursuit of self-improvement personality, my personality is


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