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托福听力疑难词组 part 1 ----飞跃重洋 [ALBERTYY 的听写笔记]---- 第一部分 全真试题听力疑难词组解释(89.1-97.10) 1,a while back 不久以前,刚才 3,accord ing to 3,accord ing to -Sam want to be able to play in the basketball game this week, yet he hurt his knee pretty badly a while back , i don't know why he did n't quit right away 2,about to 正要,正准备 -i am about to go swim ming -there are a big sales going on at the departme nt store dow ntow n this week accord ing to Chali account for 说明,解释 -how do you acco unt for it and how 对,当然,那是自然 -the con cert pia no ist is fan tastic and how as a rule 通常 -I am not suprised you did n't like that movie,I found it really frighte ning myself I did too, I don't care much for horror movie as a rule at on e's service 随时效劳 -Phil ,could you give me a hand with this file cabinet that belongs against the wall next to the bullet in board at your service at the most 至多,最多 -has Sandy ever missed coming to one of our parties only once or twice at the most back and forth 来回,往返 -most fishes can do this by waving back and forth in snacklike motion -i don't want a raser racer(赛车)or touring bike(山地车)or anything,mostly I will just be using it ,a bike to get me back and forth from work backup 挡住,堵住 -while i was going to come down n Elm street ,but the traffic was really backed up -the subway is running behind schedule and traffic is backed up for blocks,I don't know if we will make the seve n fiftee n show it's a beautiful night ,let's try to get there on foot ,and if we don't make it,let's just have dinner n ear the theater be an ythi ng but 决不 -Susa n is any thi ng but poor be beyo nd 太难以致不能做到或理解 -I think Tom left his own umbrella on the bus why he's so irresp on sible bey ond me be broke 破产的身无分文 -Caro was broke after his vacati on be hard on 对某人要求严厉 -Larry certainly made a mass mess of that plain job,don't be too hard on him,he was only trying to help be in another world 精神恍惚,魂不守舍 -Peter's really out at these days,yeah, i know, ever since he met ann ,he's bee n in ano ther world be onto


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