高中英语_ The Magic of the Mask教学课件设计.ppt

高中英语_ The Magic of the Mask教学课件设计.ppt

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the Lantern Festival(Chinese carnival) * eat YuanXiao/TangYuan(reunion) guess riddles written on lanterns perform lion /dragon dance /Yangko go to lantern fairs/ have a look at the lanterns 吃元宵 猜灯谜 舞狮/龙扭秧歌 逛灯会/看灯 Introduce the lantern festival Task:If your pen pal Tom in Venice wants to know the Chinese Carnival ,How do you introduce it to him? * * * * * * * * * The Magic of the Mask 外研版 高二 Learning aims Kowledge aim: To understand the passage Ability aim: To introduce a chinese festival Moral aim: To under the multiculture and spread our taditional culture How do they celebrate the festival? masks costumes crowds Read the passage quickly and check which topic isn’t mentioned. Task: Skimming The Magic of the Mask Impression of carnival Origin of carnival Special food Carnival in Venice Para 1 Para 2 Para 3-6 Read Para 1 2 carefully to answer the questions. Task: Scanning Whats the impression of carnival? where did it begin ? When did it begin? What did they do to have fun? meaning place time activities costumes ,crowds,confusion ,excitement In Europe At the end of winter season Eating,drinking,dressing up at the beginning as time passed in 14th century at the end of 18th C in the late 1970s today lasted for ________ period was __________ masks were __________ masks were completely_______ ________ by students _____ days in February one day extended limited banned revived five Carnival in Venice The Magic of the Mask What is the magic? You have no idea what the faces behind the masks look like. at the beginning as time passed in 14th century at the end of 18th Century in the late 1970s today The Magic of the Mask Good things can stand the test of time, never going out of date. enjoy the pictures * * * * * * * * *


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