雅思写作 大作文 科技类话题 素材拓展 IELTS Writing.pdf

雅思写作 大作文 科技类话题 素材拓展 IELTS Writing.pdf

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雅思写作 大作文 科技类话题 素材拓展 IELTS Writing

happened in the late 1700s with the advent of steam power, mechanisation and the invention of the weaving loom. As a result, the factory was born. electricity, mass production assembly line mass consumerism. 3.0 The Third Industrial Revolution involved automation, computers and electronics. This began in the mid-1950s with the creation of the first general-purpose electronic computers. As such, computers entered people’s homes for the first time. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is happening at a scale, speed and complexity that is unprecedented. It is characterised by a fusion of technologies, for example: These technologies are Have your say: What do you think is the most exciting change of these four technological revolutions? The Internet of Things (IoT) The Internet of Things is used to describe any object that is connected to the internet, but also for objects that ‘talk’ to each other. This includes thermometers, smartphones and wearable devices such as smartwatches, which are increasingly connected to each other and to the internet, creating a ‘connected’ world. Homes can now be fitted with internet- connected thermostats恒温器 that learn from human behaviours and which use online weather forecasts to regulate the temperature. However, anything that is connected to the internet has the potential to be hacked. One well-known example features a group of hackers who accessed a casino’s network via an internet-connected aquarium水族馆 thermometer温度计 and stole its high-roller赌 狂 database. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a computer system able to perform tasks normally


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