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初三英语中考语法之时态复习教案 Teaching goals: be able to grasp six key tenses,including the concepts, structures,and key words for identifing each tense. be able to choose out the correct word and explain some reasons for it. Lead students to make sentences using correct tense to practice their speaking and reading skills,to improve their comprehensive. encourage students to be confident and try best to get good grades. Learning tasks: six tenses and exercises. disscuss and explain writing and check Taching difficlties: the tpical words in different tense. Subordinate clauses Teaching aids: the multi- media Teaching procedure: lead in present three pictures of different seasons,askstudents say ou which of them and try to make sentences to conect them according to the time to lead in the text. “The winter has been gone . We are in the spring now,and the summer is coming. ”(例句出现让同学们观察并发现不 同的时态应用,导出课题 ) learning . Task 1. look, think and say. (出示一幅时间轴,引导学生回忆并说出 八大时态,并及时强调中考考点,引起学生注意 ) Task2. Six tenses and exercise. 一般现在时。 一般过去时。 一般将来时。 现在进行时。 过去进行时。 现在完成时。 (在这一教学环节,简洁直观的呈现不同时态的显著特 点,搭配词汇, 及其结构并标注需注意的知识点, 抓关键, 而且针对每一时态摘选 2013 年各省市考题进行巩固强化训练,使学生自己找规律,发现问题,并解决问题) Task3. Reading and writing (不同时态的综合应用,考验学生对不同语境的判断和理解 ) I (have ) dinner at the restaurant when Tony steel came in. Tony but he now (work ) in a lawyer ’s office years ago (be).He gets a good salary,but he always borrow some money from his friends and never (pay) it back. Tnoy saw me and came and (sit) at the same table. He never (borrow) from me. I asked him to lend me 20 dollars. To my surprise, he (give ) me immedaitely. “Ihave never bortrowed any money from you”Tony (pay) for my dinner. ” (say), “so,now you can Check and homework. Write about yourself (your past ,prensent, and furture.)using all kinds of tenses. Taching prensent 时态复习 时态复习 一般现在时 一般过去时 一般将来时 过去进行时 现在进行时 现在完成时 Rethink : 在本节课堂的设计环节结合学生基础差的基本情况,我在知识梳理和呈现上力求浅显易懂,直观明了,并及时的针对性练习,使学生能够最大可能的理解并参与思考和讨论。在最后的综合知识应用环节让学生能够举一反三,以达到综合应用语言的能力。


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