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TIME \@ yyyy年M月d日 2020年5月14日 2021年雅思阅读笔记 雅思阅读笔记 1小时完成40道题,时间很紧。得7分需做对31~32题。 拿到文章后先花2~3分钟浏览每段第一句话,每篇文章总有1~2题就是第一句话,然后读题,每次2~3题。 题目是按次序出,若第3题在第2段,则第1、2题答案就在第3题前面找。 按题目中关键词进行查找答案,关键词通常挑名词,以下可作为关键词:国名、人名、数字[数量、时间(若前面有before/after时,文中往往不会直接出现,会被替换掉)]、引号内词、粗体缩写词。 答案成正态分布,连续4题答案一样是不可能。 一、T/F/NG题型 1、同义替换型(包含同义词、同义结构) 例题:1、Few are more than five years old. Q:Most are less than five years old. 出题思绪:同义结构 2、Frogs are losing the ecological battle for survival, and biologists are a loss to explain their demise. Q:Biologists are unable to explain why frogs are dying. 出题思绪:同义词(当然包含近义词) 难点:要结合上下文来了解,不能只是对比词汇。 3、Tiffany was established in the environment. Q:Tiffany was incorporated into the environment. 4、The nature of scientific method is inductive. Q:The scientific method is inductive. 答案:1、T 2、T 3、T 4、T 2、总结归纳型 标准:所见即所得,原文讲就是答案,不要扩展。 例题:1、For example, it has been demonstrated that rapid response leads to a greater likelihood of arrest only if responses are in the order of 1-2 minutes after a call is received by the police. When response times increase to 3-4 minutes——still quite a rapid response——the likelihood of an arrest is substantially reduced. Q:A response delay of 1-2 minutes may have substantial influence on whether or not a suspected criminal is caught. 答案:1、T 3、内容矛盾型 例题:1、A species becomes extinct when the last individual dies. Q:A species is said to be extinct when only one individual exists. 2、PVA has been successfully used in United States to provide input into resource potential for using population viability to assist wildlife management in Australia’s forest. Q:PVA has been used in Australia for many years. 3、You may qualify for the Common Interest Group system, if you are one of at least ten adults who are travelling together. Q:The Common Interest Group scheme does not apply if there are 11 adults in the group. 答案:1、F 2、F 3、F 4、范围限定型 标志性词:guarantee must only



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