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君子兰属(C〃诚ispp.)植物花粉形态观察 姜闯1 ,张青1 ,孙书明J王冲3 ,杨光1 ,方伟1 ,雷家军? (1.辽宁省农业科学院园艺分院,辽宁沈阳,110161; 2.鞍山市千山区农产品质量安全检测中心,辽宁鞍山,114041; 3.辽宁林业职业技术学院园林系,辽宁沈阳,110101; 4.沈阳农业大学园艺学院,沈阳,110161) 摘要:应用扫描电子显微镜对君子兰属9个种植物花粉的形态、萌发沟、表面纹饰等诸多性状和特征进行了观察。结 果表明,君子兰属植物花粉形状皆为长球形,具单沟,远极沟,属于N已G型花粉,具网状雕纹。花粉两端网眼急剧变小、 变密,而花粉大小、网脊宽度、网眼直径等性状存在差异。聚类分析将供试试材分为3组,即大花君子兰组、垂笑君子兰组 和窄叶君子兰组。 关键词:君子兰属;花粉;扫扭电子显微镜;聚类分析;分类 Study on Pollen Morphology of Clivia spp. Jiang Chuang , Wang Chong , Lei Jia-jun (Horticulture College, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110161, China) Abstract: Pollen morphology and ultrastructure of 9 species of Clivia spp.had been examined by aid of the scanning electron microscope (SEM) in this pape匚 The results showed that the pollen grains of clivia were generally elliptic with mono-culpus and reticulate sculptures,which belonged to N1P3C3. The mesh of both ends of pollen become dramatically smaller and closcr.Thc length of polar axis, cquarorial axis, width of apertures and spine were different to some extent among these different spccics.From the cluster analysis,they could be class讦icd into three groups,which were Clivia miniata.Clivia nohilis and Clivia gardenii.On the one hand .the results of palynology can be used as the basis tor lhe classify of Clivia spp..howeven palynological classification also showed some inconsistencies. On the other hand, palynology alone can not be accurate for lhe classify of Clivia spp.,only in pairs of cytology, isozyme, RAPD, etc, in combination with a comprehensive analysis of morphological data, before making the real objective conclusions? Key word: Clivia spp; pollen; the scanning electron microscope (SEM); cluster analysis; classify 分类号:S682.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 君子兰为石蒜科(Amaryllidaceae)君子兰属(Clivia spp.)多年生常绿花卉,原产南非纳塔尔省的深 林中,20世纪初传入中国山役通过民间种植者多年的杂交育种,己经培育出许多优良品利了解君子兰 的花粉生物学性状不仅是杂交育种成功的基础,也是种质资源鉴定的重耍依据之一。花粉是在花粉囊内生 长和发育的,不易受外部白然环境的影响,具有很强的保守性,并口世代相传。因此,花粉的形态特点比 植物体上其他器官稳定,可以较客观地反映种间亲缘和进化关系⑶。迄今,砲粉学方法已在方合卩句、荷花 ⑹、玫瑰⑺、牡丹同等花卉上应用,国内尚未见君子兰花粉形态观察的详细报道。另外,花粉样品多


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