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第 PAGE 页码 页码 页 / 总页数 NUMPAGES 总页数 总页数 页 外贸专业的英语求职简历 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《外贸专业的英语求职简历》的内容,具体内容:英文简历是宣传和包装外贸求职者的最有效工具。下面是由我分享的外贸员英语求职简历,希望对你有用。外贸员英语求职简历(一)ResumeName: Du xi... 英文简历是宣传和包装外贸求职者的最有效工具。下面是由我分享的外贸员英语求职简历,希望对你有用。 外贸员英语求职简历(一) Resume Name: Du xiao man Gender: Female Wedlock: Married Nation: Han Residence: Hubei-Xiantao Age: 26 Location: Guangdong-Dongguan Height: 165cm Target Positions: Trading-Foreign Trade Commissioner/Assistant Trading-International business Desired Salary: 3000 RMB/month Negotiable Apartment needed Education 2003-09 ~ 2007-07Jiangxi University of Science familiar with CAD drawing 2. good team spirit and honest; 3. be good at communicating with all types of customer. 4. work well in high stress environments. Hobbies: chatting with all kinds of people,reading books, doing sports and so on... Rewards 1) received first scholarship twice, second scholarship twice, third scholarship twice during***; 2) got an award in National College English Competition in Jiangxi province; 3) in mathematics contest also got outstanding awards; 4) was awarded the "Three- Good student" three times during***; 5) acknowledged as an excellent university graduation student with a B.A. degree in computer science; Certifications Certificate1 外贸员英语求职简历(二) Name: Ms. A Gender: Female Wedlock: Single Nation: Han Residence: Hunan-Yongzhou Age: 26 Location: Guangdong-Shenzhen Height: 158cm Target Locations: Guangdong-Shenzhen、 Guangdong-Zhongshan、 Guangdong-Guangzhou Target Positions: Sales-Sales Representative Sales-Customer Representative Target Jobs: Overseas sales、 Marketing Desired Salary: Negotiable Apartment needed When Can Start: immediately Education 2005-09 ~ 2008-06 guangxi economic management cadre college International economics and trade Bachelor Degree 【company name】 (2020-04 ~ 2020-04) Company Type: Civil Enterprise Company Category: Electrical,Micro-electronics


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