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关键技术点 4: 只是以前实验了一下,觉得原理可行,但是尚未深究... 附件有个例子,里面包含两个程序,一个是 android 应用,一个是命令行的注入程序,里面实现了 so 注入和拦截 socket 的 send recv 函数,但是没有是实现直接向地址里面写入自己的汇编代码的功能... Android 脱壳(unpaking) 壳的入口(OEP) android so 壳入口浅析 三 13 八月 2014 Write By #123 前言 开年来开始接触一些加固样本,基本都对了 so 进行了处理,拖入 ida 一看,要么没有 JNI_OnLoad ,要么 JNI_OnLoad 汇编 代码羞涩难懂,让人无法下手。 JNI_OnLoad 是真正入口么? 先看看几个文档 1 摘自属性服务一节(《深入理解 Android 卷 1》) 利用 gcc 的 constructor 属性,这个属性指明了一个__libc_prenit 函数(这个函数内部就将完成共享内存到本地进程的映射 工作)。用法:当bionic libc 库被加载时,将自动调用__libc_prenit 函数。这样在 bionic libc 动态库被装载时,系统属性缓 冲区地址就被确定了,后续的 API 调用就能找对位置了。 /* We flag the __libc_preinit function as a constructor to ensure * tha s address is listed in libc.sos .init_array section. * This ensures that the function is called by the dynamic linker * as soon as the shared library is loaded. */ //constructor 属性指示加载器加载该库之后,首先调用__libc_prenit 函数。这一点和windows 上的动态库的 DllMain 函数类似 void __attribute__((constructor)) __libc_prenit (void); 从英文说明里面提到到.init_array section,我们可以搜索一下这一节的说明 2 .init_array section .init_array contains pointers to blocks of code that need to be executed when an application is being initialized (before main() is called). It is used for a number of things, but the primary use is ++ for running static constructors; a secondary use that is sometimes used is to initialize IO systems in the C library. If you are not using C++ you may (depending on your C library) be able to live withou entirely; but you’d need to hack your startup code to deal with this. .init_array probably ends up in ram because its marked read/write — that happens because in a dynamic linking environment the dynamic linker has to fix up all the pointers it contains before it can be used. In a static environment you might be able to get away with forcing it into a read-only section. 来源: 3 摘自 dlopen 小结( 《程序员的自我修养》) 动态连接器在加载模块时,会执行.init段的代码,用以完成模块的初始化工作,dlopen 的加载过程基本跟动态连接器一致,在 完成装载、映射和重定向以


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