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AGV小车定位控制设计 摘 要 随着计算机技术,控制技术,信息技术的快速发展,工业的生产和管理进入了自动化,信息化和智能化时代。在柔性自动化生产线,智能仓库管理及物流配送等领域,当生产现场环境恶劣时,人工不能完成的任务如物料运输和装卸等,可采用智能小车来替代完成。基于生产现场和日常生活的实际需要,本课题研究和开发了此类智能小车系统。该方案主要利用单片机、传感器来实现小车的各项功能指标。 本设计以STC89C52系列单片机为控制核心,并且使用了L298芯片来进行小车的速度控制,利用超声波传感器检测道路上的障碍,控制电动小汽车的自动避障,快慢速行驶,以及自动停车。同时能够实现对小车的运动状态的实时控制。该系统软件部分采用C语言编程,其中包括电机驱动程序,测速程序,避障程序等。该智能小车系统电路结构简单,控制灵活可靠性能高,实验测试结果满足要求。本文着重介绍该系统的硬件设计过程以及测试结果分析。 采用的技术有:(1)通过编程来控制小车的速度 (2)传感器的有效利用 (3)单片机各个接口的有效利用 关 键 词:STC89C52,智能小车,PWM调速,超声波传感器 AGV POSITIONING SYSTEM CAR ABSTRACT With the rapid development of computer technology, control technology, and information technology, the product and manage of industry went into the age of automation, information and intelligence. In flexible automated production lines, intelligent warehouse management and logistics and other fields. When the production site a poor environment, the human can not complete the task, such as material handling and etc. The smart car can be instead of. based on the production site and the actual demand of daily life, the subject research and develop such smart car ,and to achieve the functions used by MCU and transducer . This system regards the request of the topic, adopting 80C52 for controlling core, Using L298 to control speed and Ultrasonic sensors to detect obstacles. Part of the system software using C language programming, including the motor driver program, speed program, obstacle avoidance procedures and etc. The electric circuit construction of whole system is simple and the function is test result satisfy the request, this text emphasizes introduced the hardware system designs and the result analyze. The adoption of technique as: Reduce the speed by program the engine Efficient application of the sensor The use of the MCU interface KEY WORDS:STC89C51, Smart car, PWM speed control, Ultrasonic sensors 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 前 言 1 第1章 方案设计与论证 3 § MACROBUTTON AcceptAllChangesInDoc 总体方案论证与比较 3


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