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“二孩”政策背景下女性平等就业问题研究 【摘要】全面二孩政策能够促进人口结构均衡,适应社会发展需求。女性作为生育的主体,生育政策的调节会对女性就业产生冲击,而女性的生育意愿也决定了人口的出生规模。就业是大部分人的主要经济来源,只有解决好了女性就业问题,才能减少女性生育的后顾之忧,更好的落实二孩政策。而就业性别歧视是女性就业的突出问题。本文整理我国三个时期的生育政策和女性就业政策的具体状况,分别是鼓励生育时期、计划生育时期和二孩政策时期,以及总结各项政策的优缺点。分析生育与就业两者的内在联系。为了更贴近社会女性群体,本文使用问卷调查的方式收集群众对在二孩政策背景下女性平等就业的实际体会与看法。利用经济学原理分析产生女性不平等就业现象的原因。借鉴国际社会在反女性就业歧视方面的经验,从而为我国在全面二孩政策背景下促进女性平等就业,保障生育权益提供解决思路。本文研究二孩政策下的女性平等就业问题,为增进社会公平和释放社会经济发展潜力奠定基础。 【关键词】女性;生育;平等就业;歧视 Research on women's equal employment under the background of "two-child" policy [Abstract]A comprehensive two-child policy can promote a balanced population structure and adapt to the needs of social development. Women as the main body of childbearing, the adjustment of childbirth policy will have an impact on women's employment, and women's childbearing desire also determines the birth size of the population. Employment is the main source of income for most people. Only when the problem of women ’s employment is solved can women ’s worries about childbirth be reduced and the two-child policy be better implemented. And sex discrimination in employment is a prominent problem of female employment. This article summarizes the specific status of the fertility policy and female employment policy in the three periods of China, which are the period of encouraging fertility, the period of family planning and the period of the two-child policy, and summarize the advantages and disadvantages of each policy. Analyze the internal relationship between birth and employment. In order to get closer to the social female group, this article uses a questionnaire survey to collect the actual experience and views of the public on the equal employment of women in the context of the two-child policy. Use economic principles to analyze the causes of unequal employment of women. Learn from the experience of the international community in combating discrimination against women ’s employment, so as to provide a solution for China ’s promotion of equal empl


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