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可编辑 可编辑 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS 所有人都知道这些代表事项 : This Sale and Purchase Agreeme nt for AU Metal (Here in after referred to as Agreeme nt ” ) is entered into and executed on this day the 16 th January, 2017, by and between the following parties: 于2017年1月16日下列双方执行此黄金买卖合约书 (以下简称为“合约”) SELLER卖方 Seller Name 姓名 Passport Number 护照号码 Natio nality 国籍 Address 地址 Hereinafter referred to as the “ SELLER ” 以下简称为”卖方” BUYER买方 Buyer Compa ny 买方公司 Represe ntative 代表 Passport Number 护照号码 Natio nality 国籍 Address 地址 Hereinafter referred to as the “ BUYER ” 以下简称为" 买方 WHEREAS, the undersigned, Seller, has the authority to sell and deliver this precious AU Metal and en ter into this Agreeme nt for AU Metal un der the Tran sacti on Code: The Seller also con firms with full pers onal authority and legal resp on sibility that she is ready, willi ng and able to sell the said Gold Bars (AU Metal) and provides her Bank Deposit Accou nt, with banking details attached hereto as Appe ndix A . 在此,卖方签署,按本合约交易代码:………确认有权可岀售及提供有关黄金条。 卖方同时确认有充分的授权及有权力范围及法律责任下 ,已经准备好愿意及有能力提供本合约书有关之金条给 买方,并提供他的银行存款账户的银行坐标 如附录A。 WHEREAS, The Buyer con firms with full corporate authority and legal resp on sibility, that he is ready, willing and able to buy the said Gold Bars (AU Metal). And Buyer provides proof of fund to con firm that Buyer has sufficie nt funds to purchase and guara ntee for the payme nt of 1MT of AU Metal as a first tranche. And Buyer also provides his Bank Deposit Account, with banking details attached hereto as Appe ndix A . 在此,买方确认在公司权力范围具有充分的授权及法律责任下 ,已经准备好,愿意及有能力购买上述的金条 (AU 金属)。买方并提供其银行资金证明作为确保该资金足够支付第壹批贰佰 (1)公吨金条之交易。买方并提供其银 行的详细坐标如附录A。 NOW THEREFORE, in con siderati on of the mutual in terests and cove nan ts, the parties hereby con firm with full pers onal and corporate and legal resp on sibility, un der pen alty of perjury, and uncon diti on ally agree to the follow ing terms and con diti ons stipulated hereu nder: 因此现在,考虑到双方的共同利益及契约,双方特此确认充分的个人和公司的权利 ,在法律责任根据伪证处罚法律 无条件的同意下列的条款及条文规定如下: TE


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