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0-1 TB108 TB108 0-2 0-3 TB108 FOREWORD This manual is intended for persons who engage in maintenance operations, and explains procedures for disassembly and reassembly of the machine, check and maintenance procedures, maintenance reference values, troubleshooting and outline specifications, etc. Please use this manual as a reference in service activities to improve maintenance techniques. Further, please be advised that items contained in this manual are subject to change without notice due to design modifications, etc. MACHINE FRONT AND REAR, LEFT AND RIGHT The end where the dozer blade is mounted is the front and the end with the travel motors is the rear. Also the right and left sides of the operator when he is seated in the operator’s seat are the right and left sides of the machine. MACHINE SERIAL NUMBER The machine serial number is stamped on the identification plate. When sending reports and inquiries, and when ordering parts, etc., be sure to include this number. MANUAL CONTROL Information on those to whom this manual is distributed is recorded in the ledger in the section in charge at this company, so please decide on a person to be in charge of it and control it. When there are updates or additions, etc., we will notify the person in charge. TB108 0-4 FOOT OF THE PAGE 6. Bleed the air from the cylinders. a. With the engine running at slow, extend and contract the cylinders 4 or 5 times.


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