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关于洛阳旅游产业融合新业态研究 摘 要 随着旅游产业在世界范围的发展和兴旺 , 旅游产业面貌不断改变 , 产 业结构不断调整 , 新的业态层出不穷。洛阳是华夏文明的重要发祥地,儒 学渊源于洛阳,佛教首传于洛阳,理学植根于洛阳,道教创始于洛阳,我 国古代许多重大的科技、教育、思想和文化成就都与洛阳有不解之缘。洛 阳历史悠久、文化璀璨,旅游资源丰富,作为我国长期辉煌鼎盛的政治、 经济和文化中心,历史给洛阳留下了丰厚的文化遗存。洛阳山河形胜,园 林繁茂,自然风光旖旎多姿,北有被誉为“北方千岛湖”的黄河小浪底风 景名胜区,南有伏牛山生态旅游区,更有洛阳牡丹自古甲于天下,发展旅 游业的条件得天独厚。然而随着旅游产业在世界范围的发展和兴旺 , 旅游 产业面貌不断改变 , 产业结构不断调整 , 新的业态层出不穷。这也迫使洛 阳考虑发展旅游业的同时也要融合新的旅游业态以满足市场,满足具有不 同目的的旅游者 关键词: 洛阳 旅游产业 融合 新业态 研究 About Luoyang tourism industry integration research of new forms ABSTRACT Along with the development of the tourism industry in the world and the prosperity, the tourism industry face changing, the adjustment of industrial structure, the new formats emerge in endlessly. Luoyang is the important birthplace of Chinese civilization, Confucianism originated from Luoyang, Neo-Confucianism rooted in Luoyang, the Taoism founded in Luoyang, the ancient China's many major science / 21 and technology, education, ideological and cultural achievements and Luoyang an article. Luoyang, has a long history and bright culture, rich in tourism resources, as China's long-term crippling political, economic and cultural center, left a rich cultural history to Luoyang. Luoyang and rivers shape victory, lush gardens, natural landscape, the north has hailed as "thousand island lake in the north of the Yellow River scenic area, south of fun ecological tourist area, Luoyang peony armor in the world since ancient times, the condition to develop tourism. However, with the


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