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小马哥个人收藏小马哥私房书spring-boot-reference-1 4 7 release.pdf

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Spring Boot Reference Guide 1.4.7.RELEASE Phillip Webb , D e Syer , Josh Long , Stéphane Nicoll , Rob Winch , Andy Wilkinson , Marcel Overdijk , Christian Dupuis , Sébastien Deleuze Copyright © 2012-2017 Copies of this document may be made for your own use and for distribution to others, provided that you do not charge any fee for such copies and further provided that each copy con ns this Copyright Notice, whether distributed in print or electronically. Spring Boot Reference Guide Table of Contents I. Spring Boot Documentation 1 1. About the documentation 2 2. Getting help 3 3. First steps 4 4. Working with Spring Boot 5 5. Learning about Spring Boot features 6 6. Moving to production 7 7. Advanced topics 8 II. Getting started 9 8. Introducing Spring Boot 10 9. System Requirements 11 9.1. Servlet con ners 11 10. Installing Spring Boot 12 10.1. Installation instructions for the J a developer 12 M en installation 12 Gradle installation 13 10.2. Installing the Spring Boot CLI 14 Manual installation 14 Installation with SDKMAN! 14 OSX Homebrew installation 15 MacPorts installation 15 Command-line completion 15 Quick start Spring CLI example 15 10.3. Upgrading from an earlier version of Spring Boot 16 11. Developing your first Spring Boot application 17 11.1. Creating the POM 17 11.2. Adding classpath dependencies


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