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Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake ? 第一课时 Section A (la - 2d) 名师点睛 考点?turn on打开 【拓展】turn的相关短语: turn off 关上 turn up (把音量)调大 turn down (把音量)调小 [ 辨析】turn on 与 open (1) turn on指“打开(水源、煤 气、电源等)”,反义短语为 turn off。 (2)open指“开(门、窗等)=反 义词为closeo open还可用作形 容词,意为“开着的;敞开的”, 反义词为closed,意为“关着的; 关闭的”。 考点? 不可数名词的量的 用法 【点拨】不可数名词表示量时, 要用“数词+计量名词+of +不 可数名词”,即把计量名词变为 复数形式即可。如: My mother bought two cups of coffee for me just now?我妈女马冈I」 刚给我买了两杯咖啡。 基础知识闯关》 一、根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 He,s pouring (倒)the milk into the blender now.[考点?】 Peel (录i)) three bananas, please ? Don^t forget to add (添力口) some water. How much yogurt (酸奶)do we need? Ifs bad for us to eat too much salt (食盐). 二、单项填空。 )1.(原创题)I,m still hungry, I want to eat hamburger.[考点?】 A. one much B. much one C. one more D. more one )2. I want to make a banana milk shake? Please lell me, milk do I need, and bananas do I need?【考点?】 A. how much; how much B? how many; how many C? how much; how many D. how many; how much )3.(贵阳中考)一Lily, lefs make vegetable salad. How many do we need?[考点?】 —One is eno ugh ? D. orange the light?A. oranges B. potato C? tomatoes D. orange the light? )4.(重庆中考)IFs getting dark. Would you please 【考点?】 B. get off C. turn on ?【考 B. get off C. turn on ?【考点?】 B. two cup of coffees D. two cups of coffee D. turn off I))5. Please bring me I) A. two cup of coffee C. two cups of coffees 三、句子改错。判断句中画线部分的错误,多词时,把该词写在右边的横线上 并画上斜线(\);错词时,写出正确的词;有漏字符号(八)的句子,写出所缺 的词。 1. I need five tomatos. tomatoes 2. Cook the noodles A 5 minutes? for 3. I would like two cup of yogurt.[考点?】 cups 4. Pour the water in the glass?【考点?】 into 5. Cut off the vegetables? up


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